26-Compromising Position

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I start squeezing the water out of my hair about halfway through the hike back. Maybe it'll help with the cold?

We had been pretty much silent the whole way back so far. Besides for Ms. Delaney's concerned remarks towards both of us, of course. We simply didn't have anything to say, or maybe that's just me.

"We probably have about 5 to 10 more minutes left, sweetheart. We'll give you a bandaid for your head." Ms. Delaney tells Ashton.

"I can clean it up for him, I brought a first aid kit and I should probably put Neosporin before you bandage it." I add, trying to be helpful.

Ashton nods to me, silently telling me he would appreciate it.

We walk in silence once more.

Arriving at our camp, I lead Ashton toward the little kitchen and common room.

"Ms. Delaney, you should probably call the other teachers and let them know you got here." I just want her out of my hair because her worry is rubbing off on me.

I grab the first aid kit from the cabinet and hoist myself onto the counter so I can reach his forehead.

I take his shoulders and move him closer to me so I can inspect the cut.

"It looks deeper than it is." I tell him, jumping down from the counter to wet a washcloth.

"Thank you. For saving my life. For giving me your shirt. For cleaning this up. I can never thank you enough actually." Ashton tells me, his voice serious.

"It's no problem. I didn't even think about it." I brush it off.

"That's exactly why. You didn't even think about risking yourself to save my life. You did all of these things for me without second guessing yourself." He says this with the most sincere sounding voice that makes me believe every word.

I don't respond, I just climb back onto the counter and take the wet washcloth dabbing his forehead.

I then spread a little Neosporin on it and I see him wince. Putting two bandaids on his cut to cover it up, getting close to his face to press down on it to make sure it stick.

I let out a small breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and he shivers.

I can't help but run my fingers through his hair. I'd been wanting to do that since our first kiss in school.

"I try so hard to be just friends but you sure don't make it easy." He averts his gaze from mine, and I wish he'd just look me in the face.

"I don't make anything easy." I cup his face with my hands and turn it towards me, looking straight into his eyes.

I realize the compromising position we're in, me sitting on the counter with him in between my legs, our faces mere inches apart.

I want to close the gap. So I do.

Our lips crash together with an urgency. I move my hands from his face to his hair, running my fingers through it. He bites my lower lip slightly, pulling at it and I let out a moan.

I press my fingers on his bare back.

Our lips mold together and I feel the same sparks. They shoot through my veins like lighting held captive.

I hear a creak as the door opens.

A/N: Roll the mf credits bitches. We have arrived at the description quote.

Ik this is a short chapter but since I've been doing double updates more recently it's hard to make them so long especially when I also want to have it end in cliffhangers.

Basically I start school in 11 days and my goal is to get to chapter 40 by that time. After school starts I won't be able to do nightly uploads. My goal is to upload twice a week once school starts.

this isn't edited bc who would I be if it was

kisses 💋

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