48-A Blur of a Night

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I don't know how many shots I've had.

I only know that I've done many things tonight.

It's all kind of a blur but I do vaguely remember making out with a girl in the corner, dancing some more with my friends, standing on some sort of table while chugging a bottle of straight vodka.

I don't really know much else but now I'm back at the bar asking for another shot.

Before the bartender can even get me one I hear my absolute favorite song come on.


I can't help but run back out to the dance floor. I push my way to the middle and am screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

"BITCH MOVE I NEED ROOM TO DO MY SPLITS." I yell at the group of people clumped up, dancing near me. They move over just out of fear. I love instilling fear in people. Livia, don't.

I stop mentally arguing with myself and start jumping up and down preparing my legs for splits since I haven't done them in a while. I'm aware that probably isn't the best way to warm up but I don't really care anymore.

Sliding down to the floor into a split, while chugging a bottle of tequila. Wow, this is a high point in my life.

Regardless, I notice how people are in some sort of deformed circle around me, cheering me on. I get up, do a high leg kick, and then go back into my splits, bouncing up and down. I'm really feeling myself if you couldn't tell.

Everyone is chanting "GO. GO. GO. GO."

Well, that's before a huge hand takes my hand and pulls me up from my split.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yell, kicking my left out at him, trying to trip him.

"Sunflower, you aren't going to trip me, you're not coordinated enough." Sunflower. What a cute nickname. Wait a minute..

I whip my head up staring at the beautiful face of my ex boyfriend. Of course it's him. Cause I practically live in a Wattpad novel.

While I'm staring endlessly into his eyes, he picks me up by my waist, carrying me princess style.

"Put me down you little shit." I say, hitting at his chest. After a few hits I stop. I feel like it would just make me look pathetic since he isn't budging. That does not mean I don't stop trying to get him to put me down though. "Put me the fuck down!!"

He open the back door of the bar and we step outside into the cold. I immediately start shivering.

Ashton puts me down, but is still holding my hand tightly, holding me in place.

"If I let go of your hand, will you run?" He questions. I nod, against my will. "If you run, I'm just going to catch you, and then I will carry you all the way to your house so I wouldn't recommend it."

I get the point after this stern talking to, and don't run when he lets my hand go.

He immediately takes his leather jacket off and puts it over my shoulders. It's super oversized on me but I love feeling like I'm drowning it. Plus it smells like him. Not that I care.

I slide my arms into the large sleeves.

"Wait." I pause, not letting his amazing smell distract me...although come to think of it, it's probably the alcohol more than his smell.

"Why did you make me leave? We are clearly not together. Clearly. I mean, I don't not want us to be together, that was all you so don't you dare say it was me wait but you aren't allowed to drag me out of a bar into a scary alleyway if you fucking broke my heart like a day ago." His eyes are softening with each nonsensical mumble of words. He takes a step towards me.

"Excuse me sir, take that step back. You are not to come closer to me. I know I'm abso-fucking-lutely...ha what a funny phrase...ehm wasted that's word. I'm wasted, like super drunk. I think that's the right word. But you do not get to come in here and pretend you didn't fucking use me. I was raped. I can finally admit that, after him there I can finally admit that. It was all going good with you by my side and then you left me alone with my heaps of trauma. You left. You can't just come and go into my heart as you please, that's not how it works. If you're going to just leave me to deal with all of this without you, then fine. You're a shitty person, but fine. I don't have the mental capacity since I am currently not in the mentally well mind thing to talk with you about this. So if you would like to hurt me again then discuss it with a self of mine that doesn't have a super foggy brain." The words just keep tumbling out of my mouth.

I stumble a bit, getting dizzy. He immediately steadies me.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to put you through any pain, you have to know that. I've been obsessed with you since day 1, there's no way you still think that i do anything that doesn't relate to your well being." He is staring me right in the eyes. I'm getting a little nauseous from all the alcohol right now to be honest. "We can talk about this when you're sober. I'm gonna help you get home."

I give a slight nod, unable to process any of his words as a result of the waves of nausea. I put one hand on my stomach, trying to calm it down.

"Hey, are you-" He doesn't even finish his statement before I'm vomiting into the bushes. He immediately reaches to pull my hair back. He squats down with me until I'm done vomiting and then carried me to a car.

"Are you taking me to my house?" I ask him, my eyes half closed as I sit in his front seat.

"Yeah, I'll get you home." He replies, looking straight ahead at the road.

"Noooooo. I don't want to go home. I want to go to your house!!" I exclaim. "I want to see Amelie. I miss her." I state, mentally stating to myself that I will not give into this.

"No, I gotta take you home to your house." He says, his eyes still not budging from the road.

"No. I will not get out of this car unless it is to go to your house." I repeat. "I swear to god."

He lets out a sigh, but doesn't turn onto my street, a good sign.

"It'll be a longer drive then." He warns.

"I don't care!" I say, happily, before passing out, the world going black.
A/N: hey so I've been doing rough but here's an update hope you like it! It's a pretty long chapter so I hope you enjoyed it!! It's gonna be a really dramatic whenever I'm able to get them up.

I'm planning on this book being like ten more chapters, give or take.

Sorry that it's unedited :)

kisses 💋

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