Chapter 2:

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I was just getting home from school and about to change out of my uniform when I saw my parents were home for once at this time. They were pretty dressed up, which probably meant they were going somewhere. My moms hair was half curled, meaning they still had an hour or so until she was actually ready to leave. She saw me walk in and came over to me, looking quite frantic.

"Honey! Welcome home! How was your day at school today?" She asked way more cheerily than she needed to, which meant she needed a favor from me. Whenever she wants me to do something, she usually says everything and does nice things for me in a cheery way. That, or she's found someones love life to get involved in...

"It was the same as usual, but... What do you want me to do this time...?" I asked, because I know she wants something from me.

"Not much... I don't have time to explain now, though! Go take a shower as fast as you can and put on the new dress I bought you earlier! It should be on your bed. Go, go, go!!!" She said while pushing me down the hallway into my room. I guess it can't be helped. Might as well go along with it since it's my mother. As you have probably gathered, we aren't anywhere near close to the rich family stereotype.

I took a quick, 10 minute shower and stepped out of the bathroom. I looked on my bed for the new dress my mom said she bought me and saw a beautiful dark purple dress. It was a short, strapless dress that fit perfectly to my perfect body.

I was admiring myself in the mirror for a minute until I heard a knock at my door and the door opening. It was my mom with 3 different masquerade masks. She held them out to me and I assumed we had to wear those too. The first one was a bright golden mask with sparkles all around the rim, but it didn't have a strap, so I'd have to hold it in place. The second one was a silver mask with feathers painted the same color, but it was way too flashy for my tastes. The third one was what actually caught my eye. It was black and that's good enough for me.

"Choose which one you like the best. Once you do, we have to go. It's an hour away so we have to be fast." She said and I looked at which kind of masks she got. They were all very decorated but I chose the black one with a simple but pretty design.

"That one? Okay. Lets go!" She grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the car. I still didn't have shoes or my hair done, but I'm guessing she had something planned.

I was correct. She brought 5 different pairs of shoes and had someone do my hair while I was choosing. I chose the black heels because they probably went best with what I was wearing, anyway. The lady that was doing my hair was a bit rough when she was pulling it back but I dealt with it and just sat through the pain.

"So... Where are we going, anyway?" I ask, because no one has told me yet and it's starting to bother me.

"Well, we are going to an auction where you can buy things people put up and bid on. They said there was a special item up for bid sometime tonight during the auction. I also have something I'm donating to the auction." My father explained, looking slightly happy that I came along so willingly this time. 

"Oh. But why do I have to go too?" If they wanted to see or get the "special item", I don't see why it's necessary for me to go. 

"We know the owner of the auction house and he said it would probably interest girls your age." My mother chimed in as well.

I sighed audibly. "Alright... How long is the auction?" My parents were silent at this question and I knew it was going to be a ridiculous amount of time. The hairdresser also stopped pulling my hair out once I was done asking this question, so I assumed she was finally done.

"It's 3 hours..." They both said simultaneously while looking away.

"I knew it..." I said with a sigh. I'm glad I grabbed my phone at the last minute or I'd be bored out of my mind for those 2 hours.


We put on our masks after we finally arrived at the auction house after an hour of boredom. Too bad there's 3 more hours of that, counting the ride back home. The auction house was bigger than I thought it would be, but I guess that's to be expected if I'm going somewhere with my parents.

"Ah, William!" My father said to someone who I assume is named William. The person named William came over and said the same thing to my father but with his name.

"You must be Charles' daughter I've heard so much about! You're even more beautiful than I could have imagined. It's nice to finally meet you." William said with his hand held out to me and I took it.

"Thank you for having me. It's nice to meet you, too. This auction house is beautiful, as well." I say with the best fake smile I could muster. I really hate these formal greetings... They get so old...

"Well, I have your seats prepared in the second balcony. If you'd please follow me..." He said and gestured for us to follow. We were led to a low-to-the-ground balcony that was perfect for viewing the stage. There were drinks and snack-type foods in case we got hungry or thirsty I guess. There were three comfy-looking chairs and I didn't hesitate to sit down in one.

"If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to ask me. Please enjoy yourselves." William said after he showed us to our seats and quietly left. I saw that there were sticks with numbers on them so I guess that's what we hold up when we want to place a bid. I've only been to one other auction and that was when I was 10 and fell asleep half-way through.

"If you see something you like, don't be afraid to bid on it, okay, Rei?" I nodded my head in response to what my dad said, which made me feel better about having to ask if I saw something I did actually like.

The lights started to get darker and the lights on the stage got brighter. I saw a man in a suit with a mask on walk out into the center of the stage and announce that he will be the one hosting tonight.

"As your host, I have the glorious job of showing you all the great things we have here tonight", he started. "Now that I have introduced myself, let's start with the first item!" Someone, I'm guessing a stage-hand, rolled the first item out next to the host on the stage then went back behind the curtain.

"The first item we have up for bid is..."

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