Chapter 12

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(A.N. I'm so very sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been studying for my exams, and they are actually staring next week, so until they are over, don't expect any more updates. Sorry again, but enjoy this chapter nonetheless. I've also changed a few minor things in the earlier chapters, for those of you who want to go back and look. They're not very big changes, though, so it wouldn't really effect the story line.) 

It hasn't even been five minutes and Barbie boy has violated twelve of my personal space rules. I would have moved to one of the captains chairs but that was a solid seven feet away and I was not about to move such a distance to satisfy that need.

To be one hundred percent honest, I needed a foot rest and he was right there, so why not take that opportunity. I crossed my legs over his and continued scrolling through the options Netflix had to offer.

"How about we watch a horror movie?" He put his arm around me, pulling me closer, his face mere inches away. Personally, I had never seen a horror movie before, so it wasn't a bad idea.

"Which horror movie? I've never seen one." He looked offended, just slightly, before he took the remote from me and started searching for something himself. Nobody takes the remote from me, unless they want to be sacrificed to Satan.

"What are you doing?" I asked, about to draw an inverted cross to summon the demon.

"I'm finding a horror movie, I know you can't bare to be apart from me, but I'll be back in a moment, hot stuff." He grinned and winked at me, making me frown.

"I don't know what you mean, you're the one that's clingy." I scoffed, crossing my arms. He shook his head and finally picked a movie.

The screen read 'The Babadook'. What the hell was a Babadook? I read the summary as quickly as I could. It seemed interesting enough. The child was a turn off, though. I hate kids. He pressed play and I hoped this was good enough to play over Soul Eater.


The movie was almost over and I realized I loved horror movies. I got scared very easily, though, and at some point had burrowed my way into Barbie boys side, holding his arm. He seemed to be enjoying this, chuckling every time I jumped and squeezed his arm tighter. I am such a wimp, I had never realized until just now.

"Shut up..." I felt my face get hot, trying to bury myself in the giant hole I had dug for myself. I was acting very strange these past few days, and I didn't know why. I must be sick. Yeah, that's it.

By the end of the movie, it was around 1 a.m. and I wasn't gonna be alone in any room whatsoever, ever again. I hadn't let go of Barbie boys arm either, but he didn't seem to mind. I wasn't even holding on, it was more like I was clinging to his arm, like it was my new lord and savior.

"I never knew you could be so cute, and all from a simple horror movie, too." He started to pet my head, stroking my hair slowly. It was making me sleepy, despite my new fear of the Babadook.

I was soon falling asleep, my arms still tightly wrapped around his. I was almost asleep before I heard, "Rei Nobara... I will make you fall for me." And I was out.


The next morning, I woke up on the couch, Barbie boy no where to be seen. I had a blanket draped over me, and could only assume he put it there, but I was still stiff from how small of a couch it was. Where did he go?

I got up and looked around, looking through all the rooms and then going over to one of the windows to see that it was morning, and we were already on the ground.

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