Chapter 3

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"The first item up for bid is... A collectors item: an actual log pose from the show One Piece! Shall we start the bidding at $100?" The host announced and- Wait, what?? I want that!!

I grabbed the stick with our number on it an raised it high into the air. The host saw me do so, and called: "First bid for $100 to the little lady in the purple dress! How about $150? Anyone else want to bid on this great collectors item?" He said and someone across the auction hall raised theirs as well. They have no idea what war they have started.

"$150 from the man in white! Do I hear $200 anyone?" I raised my stick in the air again. This is one of the shows I was talking about from earlier. Once I'm obsessed with something, it's not easy to handle me with all the stuff I get. I would probably rather die than give this up.

"The little lady in purple is persistent. $250 anyone?" The host asked and someone else raised their number. I didn't think there would be so many people here that wanted this. I'll just have to keep going until they give up.


I eventually got the collectors item. They stopped at $600 since no one else raised their numbers at that point. I also got a lot of other things from other shows. I used about $7,000 in total so far... I should probably stop... But this is more fun now that there's stuff I want involved in this.

"I think that's it for the entertainment category! Next, we have art!" He said and I was disappointed that there was no more stuff but I did get A LOT of stuff... I don't know what happens. When I see stuff I'm obsessed with and/or love, a switch in my brain just flips and I just start binge buying... I have bought more things than you can probably imagine off of amazon.

"Can you tap me if you see anything I might like...?" I asked my mom and she nodded disapprovingly. Now that my category is over, I took out my phone and started tracking my packages that aren't here from Amazon yet to see where they are and also to watch my stuff.


My phone just gave me the 20% battery life left warning so I thought it was time to put it away and continue watching the auction.

"Hey, mom. How long do we have until the auction is over?" I asked, because I was honestly ready to go claim my stuff. At an auction, you have to wait until the end until you can get all the stuff you bought.

"I would say about 20 minutes but sometimes these things run over, so there's no telling." She said and smiled at me. That cheery attitude again...

"Honestly, sweetie, I'm bored as well. I am even willing to listen to you talk about those fictional characters you have crushes on." This was a shock. She never wants to hear about my shows. I decided to take the chance as a means to pass the remaining time of the auction and tell her about all of those hot guys that I wish were real.


"Sadly, we are reaching the end of our show tonight...", the host said and I almost stood up and clapped. I mean, that was one of the best things I've heard in a while. "But...", He continued. "We still have the special item left!" He said it so happily that it was crushing a lot of my hopes and dreams at that point.

"Bring out the special item!" He said and three stage-hands came out wheeling a giant thing covered by a sheet next to the host at the center of the stage. He grabbed the sheet so it looked like he could pull it down at any moment.

"Finally, the last item, and most special, is...", there was the sound effect of drums as he paused for dramatic effect. Some may have been on the edge of their seats, excited for what was going to be under the sheet. I just thought of it as more time keeping me away from my stuff.

"... He is a human boy, 17 years old, and attends Waterway High. He will do whatever you want him to, because that is the contract he is bound by. He lives alone, so he isn't used to company. Depending on how much you buy him for, the longer he will stay with you. Every $100 dollars=1 day. Good luck... And happy bidding." He finally pulled the curtain off and what we saw was the boy trapped in a giant bird cage with handcuffs on.

The hall was silent for a moment until a bunch of little whispers broke out all over the place. I'm guessing that this isn't a regular occurrence to have a person you can bid on.

My mother pulled out binoculars and started looking at the boy more intensely. This is the first item I've seen her interested in anything so far because this is the first I've known that she brought binoculars. She put her binoculars down and whispered something to my father, then she looked at me and said: "We're getting that boy and we need you to bid on him. You're a host favorite since you got so many things from the beginning and I think it might increase your chances. Slightly."

"Huh?!?! Why do you want to buy him?!" I said accidentally louder than I should have, because now over half of the hall was staring at us. Even the host and the boy in the cage. I just sat down quietly and looked down after that.

"Because! Doesn't he look miserable?? We can buy him but we don't have to make him work or anything. You go to the same school!! You guys could be in the same class for all you know! You could become friends... Or more than friends." She said that last part a little faster and quieter than the rest but I was still able to pick up enough to understand.

Just because we go to the same school, though, doesn't make me want to help him any more than before. In fact, it makes me care a bit less than before.

"I guess, but... Isn't he the one that got himself into this mess on his own? Just because someone looks miserable and might be grateful if we did help them, doesn't mean that they 100% will be." I don't want the only two people I love in this world to be hurt like me. I don't want them to loose all of their money. That's their entire life. They worked hard to get where they are and they don't deserve to have ANY of their money stolen.

"Well, honey... Sometimes in life... You just gotta take a chance." My mother replied with an actual look of pure excitement on her face and not just her usual kidding ones. It's been a while since I've seen a sincere expression on her face.

"Fine. I'll do it."


(A/N: I'm trying to write this faster than I usually would, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes and/or if it's not very good yet!)

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