Chapter 15

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(A/N: I'm so sorry this is so delayed. I haven't been inspired to write recently. I also went really heavy on the weeb this chapter.)

We played video games for a solid two hours, before there was a knock on the hotel door. The door opened to reveal Jack, dressed in a grey suit and white collared shirt. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a key card in the left. I heard a grumble from Barbie boy beside me, I could tell he really did not like Jack. Oh, shit. I may have forgotten about going to dinner with him tonight. Why am I so like this.

"I am very sorry, I got the time mixed up, I'll go get ready now." I apologized, going to the closet to get the dress my mom planned for me to wear. I actually don't like wearing dresses, I'm just forced to for formal events and such. My mom has a dress picked out for every date I have with Jack, since she knows I'm not good with them. I don't even really want to go out with Jack, I was having fun with Barbie boy.

"Take your time, I did get here a tad early, after all." He says and smiles. I sighed and grabbed the dress, making my way to the bathroom.

I quickly change out of my clothes and into the dress, which was black and form-fitting and went down to about mid-thigh. It showed a fair amount of cleavage, which made me question what my mom was thinking, but who knows with that woman. The straps tied around my neck to form a bow in the back, which I didn't really see the point of since it held itself up, but I'm not a dress designer so I can't judge.

I styled my hair, which I basically just let it down and brushed it, and put a clip in it. I found my earrings and put those on as well, and after a minute of looking in the mirror, I was done. I usually didn't wear makeup, since I found it to be a pain, and everyone says I'm still hot anyway, so it wouldn't really matter in the first place.

I walked back out only to be greeted with two boys staring at me. They were wide eyed and looked just about ready to start a war right then and there. I didn't see what the big deal was, I just took my hair out and put a dress on.

"You look lovely as usual, Rei. But it's even lovelier than normal, I have no words to describe how beautiful you are." You just said about two sentences, both composed of twenty-two words, and ninety one letters, so clearly, you do have a few words.

"I still can't get over how fast you can change from one thing to another." Barbie boy said, eyeing me a little too much for comfort. But it was better than Jacks stare, at least.

"Thanks..." I said, a confused smile on my face. I walked back over to the wardrobe and picked out the silver shoes and small purse that went with the dress. I grabbed my phone and earbuds, (who knows when you'll need them) then walked back to where the two gawking boys were stationed.

I smirked and leaned down to whisper in Barbie boys ear, "I'll be back, don't get too lonely while I'm gone." As seductively as I could, blowing on his ear before I pulled away. I figured it worked, since he flushed a bright red and looked away.

"Shall we?" I turned and smiled sweetly to Jack, shaking him out of whatever stupor he was in. He nodded and offered his arm, which I hesitantly took. I looked back at Barbie boy and mouthed, "going to hell". He smiled and mouthed back, "text me." I nodded and started walking with Jack towards the elevator.

But that's when it hit me.

I don't have his number.


About twenty minutes into the date and I was furiously texting my mother and butler what that damn boys number was. I was not going to ask my father, he's weird about me with guys. My mom probably guilted him into letting me come here with Barbie boy. Like she does with everything else.

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