Prologue - This is Her Story

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"We cannot choose the things that will happen to us. But we can choose the attitude we'll take towards anything that happens. Success or failure depends on your attitude."
~Alfred Armand Montaperd~

Present time, London...

"Hi," she said, actually more like whispered in the mini microphone of the black, overall cheap headphones set.

She hoped her voice truly went through...

She was probably live on the radio, and broadcasted on social media. That's what the reporter said. The speech that would follow would probably soon end up on the news.

She needed to be heard... It was her turn to be saved.

She cursed herself inside, for her voice was weak. She was weak, and she felt so small and so incapable.

"Hi!" she screamed instead. Better."I am Ariana Johnson."

Her tone kept increasing in audacity and loudness.

"My name is Ariana Johnson! Yes, that Ariana Johnson that you must have heard of!" she shifted uncomfortably, hearing footsteps. She couldn't afford to waste her remaining minutes or seconds like that.

"I'm a head detective working with the National Police Force. I've been hunting down, for the past two years, a faceless, nameless beast who killed and is still killing people country-wide, without a real speck of dust to work with!"

She screamed and she found the pain shocking; the pain that her chains were inflicting on her.

She couldn't keep still. She had to move, to act, to break free, to escape...the captivity, the emotional and the physical pain. She needed to. Like anyone, any other person, animal, prisoner.

Like any criminal, even.

She heard violent, eerie footsteps behind her, so she wrung her face down in order not to see anything, so she wouldn't lose her courage to talk.

She thought she saw him.

It was him for sure, she could never mistake those eyes. Black pain crawled into the insides of her ribcage...

She was going insane.

"I, miss Ariana Johnson here, have woken up today after being framed and treated as a prisoner without mercy and today, I saw my photo posted on the murder suspects' panel-" she couldn't continue as there was something covering her mouth, with brutal strength, someone tying her mouth up.

He was either doing the tying up or watching, she knew.

Black gloved hands wrung her chains free off the headboard.
She couldn't speak, she couldn't fight and she felt immobilized.

They weren't going to be nice to her... His plan worked perfectly.

Death awaited her.

She couldn't do anything but breathe as well as she could for as long as she still had time, and recall her story in silent prayer...

That was the only place where she could find the truth, and save herself... That, she knew.

This is her story

Note I: I hope you can be patient with the pacing. This is my first thriller so I'm still a rookie.
Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Note II: All edits and illustrations in this book are made by me and my own art.


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