2. The Date

234 54 407

Present time, London...

{ note: Whenever this stamp comes up, the action takes place in the present moment }

As she sat down at the interrogation table, her hands bound in front of her and looking nostalgic at the empty chair across, Ariana recalled that day with a cracked pout.

That was the day she had gone out with Joseph for the very first time...

Nothing much had happened, but maybe there was something lurking in there too. She didn't know, she wasn't even sure she knew herself anymore.

So many things had happened that she was exhausted. She rested her head onto her handcuffed hands.

Where was Joseph now and what was he doing? Did he still care about her or think about her like before, or had he forgotten her?

She almost couldn't breathe right with those thoughts in her brain.
Strangely enough, she was the one with baggy eyes now...


Two years ago...

That day Ariana wrapped up her work within the headquarters.

She walked out of the building at 6 p.m., carelessly, wondering if she'll be able to achieve her dream of catching criminals at this job.

And maybe one day, catch her mother's killer...

"Hey Ariana! Are you going home?"

Ariana turned around to see Ioana coming out of the HQ building and barely managed to show her a grin before a dark green SUV car parked violently in front of her, its unexpected appearance fazing her.

She slightly frowned. The green car carried a familiar air but she didn't know where she'd seen it before. She blinked her eyes.

Then a dark haired guy with a nose piercing and an earring on his left earlobe slid out of the driver's seat side.

He was Joseph Baggy Eyes, whose eyes were not as baggy today as if he had managed to catch some sleep since the time of their first encounter.

She was embarassed to see him. The first time they met, she was drunk. He was smoking and giving her a long, cheesy smile while leaning against his car.

"What are you doing here? Have I told you where I work?" Ariana crossed her arms.

"Pretty, you were too wasted to remember if you did. But here I am, not too late I hope?" The guy tilted his face a bit farther, inspecting her.

"So why'd you wait two weeks, then?" Ariana asked, out of curiosity and her innate suspicion.

"Oh, just had some business to deal with. Didn't wanna mix you up with business. Where would the fun be if I didn't get intoxicated?"

At that, Ariana displayed a sarcastic, slightly amused smile.

"So what do you want? Why'd you come here?" she inquired. She knew already why he was here, she could tell and it was darn obvious.

"Why, I came to take you out on a date... Miss cop?" Joseph smiled viciously.

"Detective," she clarified. She looked around. There were some people from work around but she hoped she'd escape unnoticed.

"Fine," she muttered. Joseph piqued her interest.

Maybe he just wanted to take advantage of her, having seen her wasted before, but she was clever.

He wouldn't do anything to her that she didn't want done to her.

"So, where do you wanna hang out? I'm a rich girl and I have high standards."

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