29. The Killer's Confession

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"An empire does not fall without betrayal from within."

One year ago

Unknown Point of View...

Tay's girlfriend sat on the couch cross-legged, flipping through the TV channels. Her black hair was flowing down her back as she ate popcorn, unable to rest. She switched to the news post and saw pleasantly that they were announcing updates on the VELLA case:

"Breaking news: The shady VELLA organization might be secretly managed by the ever rising conglomerate, Johnson's Electronics. It is well known that Johnson's Electronics rose to its fame due to its promoting renewable energy, but new accusations brought to light by the surviving victims of the Cairngorm VELLA massacre are about to throw the conglomerate into a lawsuit.

The CEO of Johnson's Electronics, Mr. Bernard Johnson is claimed to have been blackmailing smaller renewal energy companies from countries that widely produce renewable energy, chiefly Norway or Sweden, into selling shares of stocks for small sums-"

Blah, blah, blah. Sarah thought with a smirk, feeling for her gun strapped to her thigh under her fit, sexy dress.

A scandal was arising. Even Johnson's Electronics would soon go down and she could finally breathe.


Ariana sat bundled up with Joseph as she watched the news. She couldn't believe it but it was true.

Johnson's Electronics was officially accused of blackmailing and substracting shares of stocks from renewable energy companies for their mass distribution of electricity in Big Bucharest and London, from which they pulled a lot of profit.

"Damn baby, this looks serious," Joseph commented, as he held her. He had her head on his chest and was laying in his lap, cozily. Her most favorite place in the entire world.

"I've never thought my father could be doing things like this..." Ariana was poker-faced but her large golden earrings bounced off.

Her phone started ringing. It was her father. He never usually calls her but she could tell why he was calling her now...


"Ariana. Please don't listen to what they're saying on the news. Our company is wholesome, we're being framed quite rather nicely..." Bernard Johnson himself was pleading her through the phone from his CEO office up in the London sky.

Ariana was shaking her head, her earrings bouncing off now quite powerfully. She sighed.

"I've done my own investigation dad... I think they're authentic. I'll always be your daughter, despite the shameful things you do..." Ariana clicked her tongue, "But I recommend getting a good lawyer, there's nothing else to do. And oh, I don't work with the court so don't rely on me."

She hang up. As she did so she noticed an eerie notification from the guy that was supposed to be dead: Menma McCoy.

She suddenly realized she had forgotten about him in last night's calculations....Why did the killer kill him? Wasn't he supposed to have been acting on behalf of the killer?


Later that day, when she had more privacy, she opened the email from Menma, whom she knew wasn't Menma. She saw his corpse.

"Oh, it's you Ariana."

That sounded so casual, she thought as she went on reading:

"You're curious about me and whatever I want from you, right? Well, first I will let you know. I am not the 'white tow truck guy.' Nu-uh. I know that you're good at deciphering puzzles and lies and riddles, an' all that, so I'm curious to see whether you'll be able to decipher this e-mail. I'd say you can't.

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