Chapter 18

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"It's been 8 years already?! And you're still not over this," the Count said, the Grand Duke calmly asked back, "If your wife died, would you get over it even if it's been 8 years?" the Count stopped talking.

"Good point, but I am sane while your not," he replied, "What makes you sane and me not?" the Grand Duke asked even Irene did a facepalm with the Count, "You're fucking serious?" the Count was beyond irritated, "Who in the right mind would just neglect their daughter, throw her into another mansion?? No? Hm?"

The Grand Duke stayed silent for a while, the room was quiet, Irene did not know what to do about this situation, but she felt like she wanted to cry. The Count had said everything she wanted to say to him for her, she was thankful, someone had finally defended her case.

"Elijah it's been 8 years since Diana died, I know your just not over it, but at least you could have been a better dad to you and your sons, you neglected your daughter and your sons also followed," the Count stopped and let a deep sigh, "You and your sons blamed a little girl who never asked to be in this world."

"It's not neglect, I send her birthday presents and she is surrounded with maids, I even stock her novels," the Grand Duke, "Isn't that love enough?" he asked.

"Y-you, how can you be called smart while you're so dumb? It doesn't matter what you give her, it's the love that matters, didn't you hear that before? Oh yeah, it was said by Diana," the Count exclaimed.

"Fredrick, I can't, every time I see Irene, I see Diana, it's painful," the Grand Duke whispered, "I know that but Diana won't be so happy to see her only daughter being treated this way," Count spoke, "To see her sons being like this, your not a good father," the Count remarked.

"Who said I was ever?" the Grand Duke responded in a calmer tone than last time with his same stoic face, the Count laughed, "I'm tired, a drink, Mr. Impossible?" he asked, "Sure."

The conversation ended like that and they did not know a little girl with snow hair had overheard the conversation and slipped away.

"Haahh..." Irene sighed as she walked back, the whole conversation made her have waves of emotions, she wished when she was Cha-hee someone told her father off like that. Irene stopped outside of her door, she stared at it. Her vision became blurry, the next thing she knew, tears droplets came out of her eyes.

"Now I really need to use the washroom," Irene said as she chuckled a bit as she walked herself to the bathroom. When she came back she cried herself to sleep, it was a long night for Irene.

"Oh my, Irene who do you have such puffy eyes," Elle asked as she saw Irene's face and had her hand on her cheek, moving Irene's head left and right checking her eyes.

"Yeah last night I couldn't sleep," Irene said, "Oh well, this is your first time at another person's house, it's understandable, but you are a lady, you must take care of your appearance," Elle spoke, "But M'lady is always beautiful, no matter if your eyes are puffy."

"Thanks, Elle," Irene said.

The whole day got Irene thinking, she was deep in her thoughts she then decided to recall what she read, even if she didn't finish it, but she had some memories. The Crown Prince did not like Irene but liked Alice, he never treated Irene bad though.

No matter how annoying she got, he kept his cool and always told her that if she keeps this up he can't hold back anymore, but she didn't listen. That last draw was when she supposedly poisoned Alice, and Josiah lost it.

When Irene bullied Alice, the brothers always protected Alice and later inform the Grand Duke about it, which she got scolded later on for. Alice's mother always cried when things like that happened.

How ironic, the Grand Duke said it himself, he cannot get over Diana, but then after his friend died, and he married his wife? So him neglecting Irene was just for nothing, if he is going to marry off like that, and treat his step-daughter much better. How can even blame Irene for acting out?!

Thoughts circled Irene's mind, her reminding herself this is just a fantasy novel, and these aren't real people, but they felt real to Irene probably because she is in the novel.

What if I never read the novel, she thought, then stopped when she banged her head on the wall, she realized she had been walking and crashed into a wall.

"Wait, where am I?" she said while rubbing her forehead, "So you finally stopped walking," she heard someone say with the sound of a book closing, "Robert," she said. "Not only Robert is here, but I am also!" Lucas cheered.

Irene turned around to be greeted by these bastards, Trevor just waved, "If you knew a wall was coming you should have told me?!" Irene scowled, "It was fun watching, it was also Lucas's idea," Robert stated.

"What were you thinking about that you didn't even know where you were going?" Trevor asked, "I was thinking about one of the novels I read," Irene answered, "What novel is it? It must be interesting since you're so deep in your thoughts," Lucas uttered.

"Not telling you," Irene replied, "How about we catch up with tea," Robert said, "No," Irene declared.

"How did I end up here," Irene asked, "You said no and we just dragged you here," Trevor nonchalantly replied, she then deeply sighed.

"Why don't you want to have tea with us?" Lucas sorrowfully asked, "Your joking right?" Irene said, no answer.

"Haahh, let's us just enjoy tea then," Irene spoke, "But don't drag me around a house again," she grumbled. "Alright then," Robert replied.

As the brothers bickered, Irene enjoyed her tea and the treats, as she ate her slice of cake she observed the boys in front of her.

Robert Gracia had sharp red eyes with long eyelashes and a black wavy 4/6 parted hairstyle, he looked just like the Grand Duke, but the Grand Duke has a soft middle mullet.

Lucas Gracia had childlike blue eyes with long eyelashes like Irene and black messy shaggy bangs, even with childlike eyes he is known as the mad dog and Irene could agree more.

Trevor Gracia was on the more elegant side, people call him pretty rather than handsome, he had breathtaking red eyes with long eyelashes, and his white hair tied in a low ponytail with middle part side bangs, he had pretty long hair.

Jeez, this family has really good genes, Irene looked at her reflection through the tea in her cup, this is abnormal, how can a family be so beautiful and perfect like, she thought.

"What are thinking about this time," Lucas asked, then all the attention was turned on her, "I was thinking, how we are staying at the Count's house, but we haven't even seen him all day," Irene replied.

The boys nodded in agreement.

No, I was really thinking about even if Irene seemed like she was in the world as you guys, but I wasn't, we live in different worlds.

"How was today, Lady Irene?" Elle asked combing her hair, Irene hugged her kneels on the chair, "Like usual," she replied, "That's great to hear," Elle smiled. Roxy and Mal who was beside her also smiled.

"Goodnight M'lady," they said as they closed the door.

"The Count shall not die," Irene declared as she looked outside of the window near her, a starry night with a full moon.

"Goodnight Irene," she said to herself before dozing off to dreamland.

However, the dreams she had were not peaceful.

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