Chapter 22

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"Hm?" Irene looked around her surroundings, it seemed like she was awake, she could clearly see her hair and small hands and her pajamas.

"But I did not remember sleeping in the mess of a room," Irene said as she looked around this dark, dingy, and messy room. She can see the rooms had folders and papers everywhere. But she also can see an investigation board...?

Begging in her mind, hoping this is not what she thinks until she walked over towards the main papers on the table, 'Who killed them?' it said, and it said the victims had their hair shaved as their death was brutal.

Irene walked towards the board and read the information.

[ One thing in common, victims' hair shaved bald...but why die in different brutal ways? ]

[ Was the killer experimenting on ways to die in the most brutal way? ]

[ What is their motive? ]

[ How many people are involved with this? ]

Irene gulped as she read the last question.

[ But why all kids under the age of 13? ]

As the photos of young kids laid in front of her, the victims about 20 of them, commoners and orphans...and 2 noble children.

These were all the questions mention in the book she was reading, oh she just had to pick one of the scariest ones.

The title of the book was 'Unsuspected Culprit', Irene chose it since the title dragged her, it was an odd feeling she just had to take it, it was basically calling for her.

"What the actual fuck- I did not just come inside a novel while already being in a novel," Irene is questioning whoever thought of this, it feels like the whole universe was cursing her. (Ahem...)

With that, suddenly the door banged wide opened, Irene's eyes widen, she covered her face with her hands, then the man started to walk towards her, and through her...?

"Huh? What? Did he just walk through me?" As she patted herself, "Does that mean I am some type of ghost? An observer...?" Irene decided to think about what happened before this all started, ignoring the man's frustrated voice behind her.

Retracing her memories, she remembered she fell asleep, "That's it!" Irene cried out in sync with the man behind her, "I am in a dream at this moment!", "The killer was right under our noses!" the man concluded at the same time as Irene.

After saying that, the man then quickly rushed to get his jacket and started to leave the room.

Irene raised her eyebrow at him as she looked at the man leaving, following him as he called for his carriage. Now she sitting in the carriage looking at the man in front of her who cannot see her, the same goes for everyone in this world.

Ryder Witham, a young detective with a striving personality, had been known as a simple son of the Baron, now he is traveling all around the Empire solving cases left and right. Now he had finally figured out the killer.

"Oh how did I not think of this before...maybe I was denying this fact...if only I knew earlier...those kids would've lived," Ryder mumbled to himself as he bit his bottom lip.

Irene looked at the sad-looking guy in front of her, "Who is it? Who is it! Why won't you say it yet?!" For the whole carriage ride, Ryder has been mumbling to himself, looking sad and pitiful, but mostly guilty.

Irene knew why he was feeling this way every single time he thought he found a lead, goes there, meets a dead-end, and finds out another victim had been hit. Of course, it would be reasonable for him to immense guilt.

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