Chapter 64

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Irene was worried about their whereabouts and why they were not responding, but she did not expect them to bring a surprise.

"My Lady?" Mal asked concerned, "Are you perhaps a bit tired?"

Irene just nodded her head, "Oh then, you better start resting, I am going to leave you alone now."

Mal waved Irene goodbye and left.

Suddenly, four spirits appeared in front of Irene, and Undine was smiling proudly carrying a big pouch the same size as Irene's hands.

"What's in there?"

"The surprise!"

Undine said and dropped the pouch on the table and opened it, to reveal some rocks.

"A surprise, huh?" Irene looked at the rocks on the table with a disgusted face.

The rocks were slime-filled and had a murky appearance, it did not look visually appealing to Irene.

"Stop with the face!" Undine pestered Irene once they saw Irene's reaction to the rocks, "Surely, you aren't going to judge something by appearance?"

Sylph said, Irene's face twitched.

"Are you saying this rock is special?" Irene's eyes lit up, could it be magic stones?

"No, it isn't magic stones, just saying."

Gnomes suddenly said, Irene was disappointed.

"Then what are these?"

Undine looked at the others and smiled, "A present from the spirit realm," Sylph said with a rather calm voice.

Irene had to rewind, "These rocks are from your place?!"

Without hesitating this time, Irene picked up one of the rocks, it was slimy; however, something was different.

The rock glowed in Irene's hand and the black rock turned violet.


Salamander looked at the rock with a concerned face, "What does that mean?" Irene asked.

Irene had a bad feeling once the room's atmosphere had turned quiet and awkward.

"The rock was supposed to basically show you your future, good luck, neutral or bad luck."

Irene looked at their nervous faces and saw the dark violet rock glow and get dimmer.

"Shit, I got bad luck."


"There are more rocks for a reason! Your fate can be changed!"

Undine tried to lighten up the mood.

"What a surprise..."

Irene had to sit down on the sofa in her room, was she really surprised?

Not at all.

Irene was in deep thought, she needed to get rid of them then maybe her fate will change.

But what happens if she dies here?

Will she return to her old world?

"Do I even want to return?"

Irene asked herself and the four-element looked at her in confusion.

"Could you explain what you meant by that?"

Gnomes asked.

"I rather not, you guys can rest, I'm actually a bit tired."

In an instant, they disappeared, but the thought of dying again did not in Irene's head.

"What can I do? What should I do?"

Irene had laid down on her bed and looked onto her ceiling in deep thought.

"Oh well, it will be a tomorrow problem!"

Irene turned to lay on her side with a blanket wrapped around her like a burrito.

Tomorrow's problem...

Irene eventually drifted off asleep without having any single dream or waking in a pitch-dark room.

It's shocking how she isn't scared of sleeping even though everything she went through.

What felt like seconds was hours, Irene woke up with the sun beaming on her face.

"Urgh," Irene dragged herself up with her hair all over the place, "What time is it..."

Irene wondered and saw it was 11 am.


It's too goddamn early!

"My lady, wake up!"

Irene heard Elle from outside of her door, "Wake me up when it's lunchtime!"

She went back into her bed, "By Lady?"

"I'm tired, so please Elle?"

It stayed quiet for a few minutes, Irene knew Elle had left her alone.

However, sleeping this time wasn't as easy.

"How about I just run away?"

Irene's mind went blank when she said, "What if I just ran?"

"If I did, I don't need to experience this!"

Irene spoke with a smile.

"I can move to another empire, somewhere far away, and live as a commoner!"

Irene's eyes sparkled with the idea of living peacefully.

"The only thing I probably experience is just guilt!"

"Immense guilt for leaving my friends..."

Irene thoughtfully, "If I were to leave, people will die."

"But I didn't come here to save people, or did I?"

Irene continued with her crazy talk as if she finally lost it.

Maybe she did.

~Author's Note~

Sorry, this is a really short chapter and sorry for not posting your chapter yesterday or posting 2 chapters today. I have to admit, my mental health is deteriorating, my grades have been dropping due to this and my sleep. I been having problems with my skin which is sometimes too painful to move. I truly apologize for this short chapter and the one missing chapter. Hopefully tmr I can post one that's much more longer. Again I am so so sorry.


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