Chapter 66

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Irene pondered for a while, should she continue or finish this problem.


Undine called out in a soft and quiet voice, "I know I know," Irene responded reassuring Undine, that she knows.

"The sun isn't even barely setting yet," Irene rolled her eyes, and side glanced towards the person.

"They could've followed me at night, is this their first time?"

Irene choose to ignore the person, "I just go to my last stop, stop the headache and go home," Irene already thought of a plan.

"I need to visit the dessert shop over there," Irene pointed towards a shabby store in the whole line of shops and stores.


Undine confused.

This cafe or dessert shop is ran by a commoner, their menu is simple and cheap, food is decent enough.

There was nothing special about this cafe, Irene just choose it at random.

She walked there slowly, taking her time, as she reached the door and opened the door to order something.

Irene felt sharp stares at her, which is expected. She is someone suspicious looking with a cloth covering her face and entering the shop with someone following them.

It's like a concern for their safety.

"Just your specials please," Irene said hurrying the process, it seems like she is like an uninvited guest.

"Sure! It's the strawberry shortcake with caramel drizzle?"

The shop owner greeted Irene with a bright smile, "Yes, I would like to order four please," Irene said to the owner.

"Coming right up!"

That shortcake sounds so fucking nice.

Irene stood near the counter looking at the displays, this place was nice and basic with nice neutral lighting.

Even though it seems is one cozy cafe if only those stares could die down, Irene thought to herself as she still felt burning gazes.

And the person was also inside.

Why are they following me to the point into the shop?

"Your order is here, madam!"

The bright owner placed the box with Irene's shortcakes, and Irene threw 20 gold coins to the counter.

The owner's expression was not shocked but rather pleased and took the money without a question, "That person is following you, by the way."

"Yeah, I think I know that," Irene said slowly walking out again; however, the sun was going down and the stalls were packing up.

Wasn't it bright like fifteen minutes ago? Something is bound to happen at this point.

Irene rolled her eyes, the timing in this world is so funny, always on time for trouble.

She walked down an alley, dark and without anyone.

The footsteps start to speed up and catch up to Irene then they reached out their hands to grab Irene.

Irene quickly dodged and kicked them on the legs, "Who are you?"

Without a response, a blade was thrown towards her face, Irene quickly moved but she was cut a bit on her cheek.

A strong wind blew Irene's hood off, with her white hair coming loose.

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