Chapter 3

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Groaning as she heard the loud ear-stabbing alarm, Casey opened her eyes and quickly turned it off before she lost her shortly lasting patience and threw it out of the window of her apartment. She ran her hands over her face and sighed, wishing she could just continue her sleep through the rest of the day.

It wasn't that she had problems getting up early in the morning. It was more like the thought of being stuck in a room full of strangers she wouldn't ever get to know that didn't sound really appealing to her. It wasn't like they would ever become friends.

Back in her own town, Casey had some good ones in her company, but never too many. She wasn't what the kids these days would call 'popular', neither she was social, like at all. Her own moody presence would always be on top of her list of people she would want to spend time with.

She didn't need people who would lure her into trusting them and then, one day would betray or leave her like a stray dog - completely lost and beaten up. She has learned to only trust and rely on herself, to keep everything in, because no one would care enough to hear her out anyways. It was hard and painful, but it was her only option. Trust once broken, can't be regained that easily.

Before Casey could even realize, she had fallen into slumber again. She immediately jumped from her bed once she checked the time in her phone. It was her very first day of university and she was already running late.

She untangled herself from the sheets, put a pair of black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt on, stuffed her pockets with the most important things before she forgot anything and rushed out of the bedroom. She didn't even bother going into the kitchen to grab breakfast since her fridge was almost empty anyways. She ergently needed to buy groceries.

She swiftly put on her black converse and grabbed her jacket before dashing out of the building. Along the way she tried to recall the quickest roads she took a few days ago so she could arrive at the university as soon as possible. After going into the wrong block a couple of times, she eventually made it about two minutes before the first bell rang.

The hallways were almost empty, strangely quiet, and it kind of terrified her. Casey rushed faster towards the room. She didn't want to be late on her very first day. What impression would she leave to her teachers? Not that she really cared, but she had already paid enough with being the least favorite student among her old highschool's classmates. She didn't want history to repeat itself.

However, before she could reach the room, she saw a couple making out in the gap between the lockers. It seemed as if they were going to eat each other's faces very soon. Casey never understood why people thought showing this kind of 'affection' in public was okay. She definitely didn't need to know about their raging hormones, listen to their muffled moans or see how he grabbed her ass in the heat of the kiss.

She made a disgusted face and went on her way. She opened the door and saw the lecturer standing in the middle of the room, already talking. Everyone turned to look at her, including the blonde woman in her thirties.

Casey honestly hated this part. What was so interesting about her that made everyone stare? Couldn't they look at the birds outside the window or something instead? She rolled her eyes.

"Come in. You are just on time. But please, make sure you come a few minutes earlier from now on" the teacher pointed towards the desks, inviting her to take a seat.

Casey looked around, noticed just a few of them were still unocuppied, all located in the furthest row in the room. Perfect. She threw her back by the leg of the table and slumped on the hard wooden chair.

The teacher clasped her hands. "So, hello everyone" she started. "My name is Mrs. Johnson and I will be your literature teacher for the next few years, of course, if everything is going alright. I'm so glad to meet every one of you for the very first time today. And exactly because this is the first time we see each other, why don't you introduce yourselves one by one?"

Casey groaned quietly by the thought of having to speak in front of a big group of people. This definitely wasn't her forte. It would usually lead to hard shaking, copious sweating, and sometimes - even a shortage of breath. Her anxiety was a no joke.

Suddenly, the door busted open and a panting girl made its way into the room. "Good morning, teacher. I'm so sorry for being late. I had a slight problem car, yeah"

A problem? Did she mean the big guy she was sucking faces with just a few minutes ago, right before the class?

"Sit down, Miss. And make sure you are not late in the future, please"

''I will. Thank you so much" she bowed down and scanned the room before rushing to the desk on Casey's left where a girl was already sitting. The girl and her locked eyes for a quick second before they turned towards the teacher in perfect synchronization.

"So, as I was saying, I am Mrs. Johnson and I'm your literature teacher. Before you joined us, I asked everyone to introduce themselves to the class. So, let's start"

The teacher pointed towards the first person in the row, asking him to start first. Everyone took their turns in giving details about themselves, for which, honestly, no one really cared. They really didn't need to know about Kate's aunt with eight cats living in Switzerland. They really didn't.

It was a few minutes later when the 'I suck faces with my boyfriend in the school hallway right before my class' girl finally stood up.

"Hello. My name is Isabella Watson and I'm nineteen years old. It's so nice to meet all of you" she smiled and sat back down.

It was then when Casey noticed the cute smile that formed a pair of adorable dimples. She couldn't lie to herself - the girl was completely gorgeous. Too bad she was straight and stuck with that male excuse of a human being.

"And the last one, at the back" called Mrs. Johnson, looking straight at the black haired girl.

"Casey Kingston. Nineteen" she said shortly, not wanting the attention to fall on her for too long.

"It's so nice to meet you, Casey. You don't seem very talkative, do you?" she laughed as Casey rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

The day and the rest of the classes went on with a summary of how each class would go and what books would be needed. Especially, not before insisting on a special introduction personally for each of the lecturers. After much exhausting talking, the day was finally over and Casey dragged her feet out of the last room with the aim to find her locker.

She walked through the countless rows of metal boxes aligning the long hallways, constantly bumping into students who rushed towards the exit.




There it was.

Casey quickly entered the combination and inspected the space. She came to the conclusion that she would be able to fit most of her book inside instead of carrying tens of kilos weight on her shoulders every single day. Her body would be thanking her soon.

She didn't waste any more time and left the building, heading towards the nearest grocery store to buy the bags of necessities she probably needed at her apartment. It wasn't like she could cook anything but instant noodles and probably make a sandwich but she still needed to eat to not die of hunger.

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