Chapter 22

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"Mini-golf?" Isabella exclaimed once Casey parked the car in front of a small building lit up with colorful neon letters that read the name of the game. Isabella glued her hands to the airbag compartment of the car and looked up out of the windshield, wide eyed and amused as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes. Remember when you once bragged about how good you are at this? You said you and your family come to play together a lot during the summer breaks and you got so much better with time that no one could beat you. We're here to change that" Casey smirked.

"You can't be serious. What makes you think you can beat me in my own game?"

"I'm good at it"

"Not as much as me. I'll beat you, Kingston. Just watch" Isabella flipped her hair and walked ahead.

"Let's see what you're capable of"

They got their required equipment and raced towards the small play field at the back. The place was jungle themed, with a lot of real vegetation, plastic animals for decoration and fake rocks as props. It was surrounded by different tracks with various difficulties and objectives they had to go through in order to get the ball into the small final holes.

"Who's first?" Isabella asked.

"Since I'm a gentlewoman, I'll let you go before me" Casey smirked.

"You just want to see my tactics, right?" Isabella crossed her arms and looked at her accusingly.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Casey shrugged.

They removed their jackets and placed them around the arms of a plastic monkey that stood nearby. As Isabella was preparing to hit the ball, Casey gaped at her once again, wondering how did she hooked up a date with such an amazingly beautiful girl.

"Have you played before?" Isabella asked after she hit the ball and almost got it into the hole from the first shot.

"I have. It was with a group of close friends back in my old town, but it was a long time ago and I may be a little rusty right now" Casey moved ahead and prepared for a hit. She did a great shot, but it wasn't as good as Isabella's.

"We are on the first hole and you are already giving excuses?" The redhead smirked from the side before making a hit and sending the ball straight into the hole.

"I'm not. I just need to remember how it was played. It's been a long time since the last time" Casey sent her ball into the hole also and they moved towards the second one.

Just like the first, it was a mostly straight path, though it had a little curve in the middle. They finished it off with two hits each once again and moved on to the next one. The game continued extremely competitively. Just as she had declared before, Isabella was an expert at it. Casey, though, wasn't really far behind once she warmed up and remembered how to play, and was crawling just behind Isabella.

At some point they reached a straight path with a small version of a mill in the middle, its fins moving so it would be harder to push the ball through the small hole at the bottom and get it to the other side.

"That would be interesting" Isabella chuckled.

"I don't have the best eyesight so you have an advantage here"

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