Chapter 10

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Casey rushed out of the university building the moment the last bell for the day rang through the hallways. She headed towards one of the front benches she had been eyeing for the past few weeks. The warm sunlight sneaked through the blanket of leaves and fell precisely on top of the polished wood. It was so perfectly hidden between the trees that just a small part of the usually cold breeze could touch the skin of whoever occupied the seat.

It was a wonderful place to sit and chill between the laden classes or finish an important piece of homework. The fresh air and natural surroundings made it look like a perfect little heaven on earth.

Casey sat down and pulled out a book she just recently purchased from a small godforsaken bookstore she found in the corner of an old building. She opened it slowly and inhaled the scent of the freshly printed pages that lingered in the air. Reading was one of the few ways for Casey to feel calm and fully at peace. There was just sometimes about the words of someone else's imagination that took her to a completely new world of inexperienced adventures that made her forget all the problems she had to go through in her life.

It didn't matter what it was as long as it had a sea of letters to explore, and it wasn't a scientific or historical book.

Somewhere around the twentieth page Casey stopped reading as she was suddenly reminded of Isabella. She wondered how the girl was doing after she broke the bad news to her. They haven't heard each other ever since and Casey had no idea what to make out of the situation. Was it a good thing that she told her? Casey started contemplating.

A sudden cry pulled her out of her thoughts. Her head immediately snapped in the direction of the noise. It was Isabella, who quickly made her way out of the building, her whole face covered in tears. She sat down on the nearest to her bench and buried her face into her hands, continuing her choked sobs.

Casey's mind was immediately alerted. Did she really caused Isabella so much torment and pain by telling her the truth? She suddenly felt a hint of guilt run through her veins. She wanted to take all her tears away and help her, but she had no idea how. Casey wasn't a good one in comforting people.

Even though she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to bother the crying girl, she pushed the book into her bag and walked slowly towards her. She watched Isabella, unsure of what to say or do. She ended up sitting next to her and putting a comforting hand on her left shoulder.

"Hey" she quietly said, startling the brunette. Isabella quickly brushed off her tears and looked back at her. That's when Casey noticed her eyes were bloodshot red.

"Casey, what are you doing here?" she shakily said and averted her gaze, trying to hide the sadness written all over her face. It was clear she was trying to keep it together in front of Casey, but it all came crumbling down when a choked sob came out from between her lips.

"Are you okay?" Casey knew that was a dumb question when the girl clearly was far from being okay.

"Just get me out of here, please" Isabella said between her cries, showing her most vulnerable form in front of her 'definitely not a friend'.

"Of course, let's go" Casey held her elbow and dragged her slowly towards her car. As they walked, Isabella hugged her arm and continued crying on her shoulder. The heat that her body radiated against Casey's made the cold December day feel at least a little warm.

They sat in the car in silence, only Isabella's muffled sobs filled the empty air. Casey reached over and carefully put on her seat belt, thinking where she was supposed to take her away to. She hated when people cried around her. It made her feel weak and powerless and she totally hated that feeling. That was the main reason she probably was so unexperianced in comforting people, because she always avoided tears and ran away from them as fast as she could.

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