5- The Family

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I walked out of my last class of the day and made my way to my locker, where I dumped all of my books. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves before closing the locker door and making my way out to the parking lot. How I wished the walk was longer, but I made it outside in a few minutes. I scanned the parking lot to see the Cullens standing next to two cars in the corner of the lot.

I took a deep breath before making my way toward the large group. As I got closer, I realized all of them except for Alice were taller than me, so I defiantly had no chance to save myself if they decided to attack. I slowed down as I approached the two cars and looked at the group with uncertainty.

"Alright," Edward started, making me look at him. "You'll ride with Jasper, Alice, and Emmet in the Jeep. The rest of us will meet you at the house."

I nodded once, and with no further conversation, everyone started climbing into cars. I quietly followed Alice into the back seats of the Jeep while Emmet got in the driver's seat, and Jasper joined him in the passenger's side right in front of me. As I buckled my seat belt, Emmet began to pull out of the parking lot.

Alice decided to break the silence by tightly gripping my arm and saying, "This is going to be a good day."

"Alice!" Jasper's voice startled me and caused all the emotions I was trying to hide from him fully take over my mind. I knew he could feel my conflicting emotions, and I was sure it confused him, but he handled it well. He turned in his seat to look at her and said, "You're scaring her."

"Oh." She let go of my arm and pulled back slightly. "Sorry. I'm just excited to meet another supernatural being. It's been so long since that has happened."

"It's fine." My words were so quiet I'm sure a normal person wouldn't have heard it, but their superhuman hearing had its advantages.

"Maybe start with an introduction, Alice. Don't jump straight to your craziness." As Jasper spoke, I felt myself calming down, solidifying in my mind that he could influence emotions.

"We're already home," Emmet spoke for the first time, causing me to look out the window at the fast-approaching house.

I realized we were driving at a breakneck speed and felt my breathing become more shallow. "Were you driving this fast the whole time?"

Emmet stopped the car in front of the house and turned to look at me. "Driving slow is no fun." With that, he got out of the vehicle.

I followed the three vampires out of the car as they made their way to the front door. Edward, Rosalie, and Noah joined us as they exited their vehicle. We all made it to the front door together, where another vampire opened the door.

"Hi, I'm Carlisle. Welcome to our home." He opened the door wide as everyone filled in and walked off to the left. I followed them as I took in the beautiful house.

I'd never been in a vampire's house before, but I did not expect there to be so many windows. It was the most beautiful house I had ever seen.

Well, if they're going to kill me, at least I'll have seen the most fantastic house ever.

"We're not going to kill you!" Edward's voice rang throughout the house, making every vampire look at me as I entered the living room.

"You think we're going to kill you?" Jasper asked, finally putting together why my emotions were all over the place.

"I mean," my voice wavered as I spoke, "it's one of my going theories."

The only vampire I didn't recognize spoke softly to me. "Why don't you sit, and we can all explain ourselves."

"Of course." I sat down on the edge of their couch as they all gathered around me.

Carlisle spoke up first. "Are you part of the Quileute tribe?"

I figured I should just pretend this was normal and try and have a conversation with them. "Oh, no. I'm not originally from around here."

Carlisle's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Then, where are you from?"

"I used to live on the east coast with a different pack, but my parents decided to move, and they randomly picked here. I didn't even know the Quileutes were here until a week after we moved here."

"But you are a wolf hybrid?"


An uncomfortable silence filled the room as Carlisle thought about what to say next. He finally decided on, "do you currently want to kill us?"

Well, that's a weird question. I'm obviously outnumbered, even if I was tempted to do that.

Edward smiled slightly at my inner monologue, encouraging me to speak what I thought. "No, of course not." I paused briefly before asking, "do you currently want to kill me?"

The silence that followed was unsettling. I only let out the breath I was holding when Jasper said, "no."

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