58- A Wolf in a Vampire's House

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The entire family tensed as they smelt a wolf walking up to the front door, but no one moved. Then the doorbell rang.

I got up, letting go of Jasper's hand, and walked to the front door. Everyone gathered around me in the entry room as I opened the door, ready for whoever was on the other side. I was not prepared for the sight in front of me.

Seth looked like he hadn't slept all night, and he was on the verge of a breakdown. He looked tiny standing in the doorway, and my heart broke at the sight of him.

"Seth, what is going on?" I asked him.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked, looking up at me. "Because you all left so fast, and I couldn't check on you."

"Yeah, we're fine," I told him. "But what is going on? Are you okay?"

"No. Sam has been yelling all night, and none of us slept. He's mad at Leah, and Jacob is taking her side, and now everyone's fighting, and I had to come to make sure you were okay because I can't lose anyone else, and..." his voice suddenly broke off as tears started streaming down his face. Without thinking, he stepped into the house and wrapped his arms around me.

While I pulled him into a hug, I felt the entire family stiffen. Unknowingly, Seth had just broken the treaty even more. While Emmet had broken it yesterday during the fight, he didn't walk into Sam's home uninvited. Seth walked onto the Cullen's land and into their home without permission. While we all knew Seth wouldn't do anything, it was still an interesting situation.

I looked up at Carlisle to see how he was reacting to this. He gave me a slight nod, mouthing the words, 'He can stay.' With an okay from Carlisle, my instincts to help Seth took over.

I pulled him into the house and into the living room, where I made him sit on the couch with me. As his tears died down, he started talking to me again.

"It seems I always have breakdowns around you," he told me.

"It's okay," I told him. "You're going through a lot. I told Sam I didn't think you or Leah should have been involved in the fight."

"That would have helped," Emmet said from somewhere in the house, loud enough for us to hear him.

That snapped Seth out of whatever mood he was in, and suddenly he was very self-conscious. He stood up quickly, saying, "I'm sorry, Emma. I shouldn't have come here. I'm probably not welcome, but I forced myself in."

Carlisle quickly walked into the room with Jasper just behind him. "Seth, don't be silly. You're always welcome here," Carlisle told him.

Jasper walked deeper into the room and sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I could tell he didn't like me being alone with Seth. However, the way he was sitting drew Seth's attention to Jasper's wrapped arm and my wrapped hand.

"Did Leah do that?" Seth asked quietly, pointing to Jasper's arm.

"She did," I told him honestly, knowing he could handle it.

"I would tell you it was an accident, but I think we all know it wasn't," he responded. "She's so mad that you crossed over the line even though Sam isn't. It's driving me crazy."

Then Jasper tensed once again. "Edward's plane landed, he texted Esme, she told Emmet," he whispered into my ear.

Then my phone started blowing up with texts from the pack. I grabbed it from my pocket and looked to see Sam had texted me multiple times, saying,
'Have you heard from Seth at all?'
'I don't know if you're mad at me, which you have every reason to be, but I can't find Seth anywhere, and he left his phone at their house.'
'I don't know where he could have gone, and I don't want him getting hurt or doing something stupid.'

"What's going on?" Seth asked me, seeing how intently I was staring at my screen.

"Sam is trying to find you," I told him, setting my phone down. "You should probably go home, send a text to Sam to let him know you're okay, and I'll come over soon to sort everything out with Sam and Leah."

"Okay, I will." He rushed toward me once again, hugging me.

"I'm glad you're okay," I told him, letting go. "Text me when you get home, so I know you're still okay."

"Will do."

And with that, Carlisle led him back outside. As soon as the front door shut, everyone gathered in the living room once again. Jasper pulled me tighter and set his chin on my shoulder to look at the family.

"How are you two, really?" Esme asked, sitting next to us on the couch.

"We're fine, Esme. I promise," Jasper told her.

Everyone else stood around, looking at me before Emmet spoke up. "Are you mad at us?" He asked me.

"Why would I be mad at you guys?" I asked him, confused.

"We lost Victoria, and I jumped over the treaty line, which caused Jasper to get hurt." I could tell Emmet was genuinely afraid I was angry at him for all he did, but I wasn't.

"Emmet, I would never be mad at you for any of that. You tried to save me," I told him.

"We thought, maybe, you still didn't trust us enough to try and do that," Rosalie said quietly.

At that moment, with everyone gathered around me and Jasper pulling me into his chest, I realized something important. "Wow," I said, coming to terms with my realization.

"What?" Carlisle asked.

I smiled slightly to myself before answering. "I guess, without realizing it, I forgave all of you at some point in my mind. Because I wasn't even thinking like that anymore."

"Even me?" Jasper asked me quietly.

"Especially you," I told him, turning around and wrapping him in a hug. "I love you, Jazzy."

"I love you too, Puppy."

And then, Edward's car pulled up to the house, reminding me how mad at him I was.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now