78- Everyone Knows

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"Who's here?" I asked, confused as to why everyone was suddenly a lot more stressed.

"Get her out of here," Rosalie told Edward.

Edward ran out the front door as Emmet ran at me. He joined Jasper in tightly holding me, but I couldn't understand why.

"Who's here?" I asked again, not recognizing the weird smell.

"You should not be here!" Edward yelled at the mysterious person outside.

"I came here as a concerned friend."

I could tell it was Bella's voice, but that confused me even more. I was not tempted in the slightest to attack her like everyone else always seemed like they were. I could feel how much Edward wanted to drink her blood, but that was it.

"You are not a friend," Edward told her.

"You're not tempted, are you?" Jasper asked me, loosening his hold slightly.

"No. She smells revolting to me," I told him.

Jasper and Emmet looked at each other in confusion before letting go of me.

With my new freedom, I decided to join Edward and Bella out front so she would stop. I ran out the front door and stopped on the front porch, seeing Edward and Bella arguing in the yard. Both turned to look at me. Edward was happy her blood didn't tempt me, and Bella was furious.

"You turned her, and you wouldn't turn me!" Bella yelled, outraged.

"Laurent bit her!" Edward yelled back at her. "She almost died because of it, so don't even start with me!"

Jasper ran out of the house and settled beside me on the porch, wanting to see Bella and Edward argue.

My throat started to hurt slightly from feeling how tempted Edward was. "I think it's time you leave, Bella," I told her.

She continued to throw a fit, but Edward forced her to get into her car. As she drove away, he mumbled, "I can't believe I ever dated her."

"Neither can I," Bree said, joining us outside.

"That really didn't bother you?" Edward asked me.

"No, she smelled awful. Her blood didn't tempt me at all," I told him.

"Maybe I should take you hunting," Jasper suggested. "See how that goes and make sure you're okay."

I nodded as Edward agreed to it. Jasper and I quickly left the house, running through the woods, searching for an animal I could eat.

We found random animals, and I drained two deer before I felt completely fine once again. Jasper drained a few more before the two of us just ran aimlessly around the woods. I enjoyed the feeling of running fast without being in my wolf form. It made me feel free.

The entire time we were messing around, I could tell Jasper was over-cautious around me. "Jasper, you don't need to worry about me anymore," I told him. "I'm technically a vampire now."

He sighed before telling me, "I'm going to be scared until we figure out why your heart is still beating."

"Maybe we should just head back then," I told him. "We can see if Eleazar is here yet. He might have some answers."

Jasper agreed, and we soon headed back. As we got closer, I could hear a commotion near the house. I could tell at least part of the pack was nearby, but I didn't think anything of it. Then, as we ran up to the house, I realized they were all standing in the front yard arguing with a vampire I assumed was Eleazar.

Everyone's eyes turned to Jasper and me as we ran into the yard as the pack all looked at me with wide eyes. Everyone except one.

"Emma!" Seth yelled out, running over to me without a second thought.

"Seth!" Sam yelled out, reaching to attempt to stop him but ultimately failing.

Seth's arms wrapped around my waist as he hugged me. I froze in my spot, afraid of hurting him, until I realized he also didn't tempt me. I unfroze slightly and wrapped my arms around him gently.

"Hey, Seth," I told him while looking up at Sam to reassure him. "It's good to see you too."

He pulled back from the hug, smiling wide, before turning to face Sam. "I told you she would be okay."

"You good?" Sam asked me, ignoring what Seth was saying.

"I'm good," I told him.

"Your heart is still beating," Seth said, realizing the weirdest part about me.

Sam looked at me with wide eyes as Seth spoke.

"We're not quite sure why," I told him, answering his unasked question.

"It's your wolf," Eleazar said, speaking for the first time. Everyone looked at him as he spoke, knowing he would understand more about what was happening. "When you turned, your human half seems to have become a vampire, but your wolf half preserved itself."

"But the venom should have killed her," Jacob said, just as confused as the rest of us.

"Maybe it's because I was bit as a human," I said, trying to offer a reason. "And then I phased quickly into a wolf, which is when the pain started, but then I phased back. That could have given my wolf time to do something to stop the venom from killing me."

"You're incredibly lucky," Eleazar told me.

"Lucky!" Emmet yelled, suddenly really excited. "I knew that was the perfect nickname for you!"

"Eleazar," Carlisle said, literally ignoring Emmet, "can you understand her powers?"

"You have powers?" Paul yelled out. "That's so cool."

"It seems she can copy and block other people's powers," Eleazar said, looking at me. "Based on what you told me on the phone, it would seem it happens accidentally through touch, but I would assume through practice she can better understand what exactly she can do."

"Thank you," Carlisle told him, "for coming all the way down here to help."

"It was no problem," Eleazar responded. "And I hope you'll all come up and visit soon. Tanya missed you all."

"Of course," Esme told him. "We'll make the trip soon, I'm sure."

With one final nod from Eleazar, he ran off as quickly as he came.

I turned to look at the pack. "Why did you guys come?" I asked, confused as to why they were there.

"Bella came over," Sam said, glancing over at Jacob, who looked genuinely worried. "She ran in screaming about you being a vampire, and we all rushed over."

"Sam didn't believe you were okay," Seth told me. "But I knew you were. You're way stronger than vampire venom."

"Thanks, Seth."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now