55- Visions

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The after-effects of Leah and Seth phasing were interesting to deal with. Leah was mad that the pack got to hear her every thought and that she was forced to understand why Sam had dumped her for her cousin, Emily, all those years ago. She was taking the whole thing well, and she acted older than 16 throughout the change. Seth thought it was cool, though he didn't understand the seriousness of everything going on at the moment. He was a kid, barely 14, and he had just entered into a fight with Victoria he was not ready for.

We also chose not to tell them about the feud between wolves and vampires, but that backfired when Jacob decided to tell them anyways.

"Emma," Leah said, walking into the living room where I was hanging out. "How can you hang out with the vampires if they're our natural enemy?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Jacob said you imprinted on a vampire and that vampires are our natural-born enemy."

"He's technically right," I told her. "But the Cullen's aren't evil and don't drink human blood, so there's no reason for the pack to hate them."

Seth decided it was an excellent time to join the conversation and walked into the room. "Can I meet them one day?" He asked me, joining me on the couch.

"Seeing as you know all about them now, I don't see why not."

Seth cheered in excitement while Leah crossed her arms in anger. "Oh no," she started, "there is no way you are going to meet those bloodsuckers."

"Leah, it's her imprint," Seth told her. "You of all people should understand that now."

"Don't be too harsh on her," I told him. "It's hard to adjust."

"I don't need your pity, Emma," Leah said, storming out of the room.

"Ignore her," Seth told me before settling down on the couch. "Now, can we watch a movie or something? I'm bored."

The next day at school, Bella and Edward decided to sit with Bella's other friends, leaving our table to just four of us.

"So, how have Seth and Leah been?" Noah asked me.

"They're fine," I told him, picking at my food.

Jasper wrapped an arm around me. "Emma, what's going on?" he asked me.

I sighed, threw my food down, and leaned into Jasper. "Leah is just being annoying about you guys. Jacob told her about the treaty, and now she's mad at me and keeps making fun of you no matter how much Sam tells her to stop."

"Why doesn't he use his alpha voice on her?" Noah asked.

"He doesn't want to force her to do things," I told him.

Alice laughed slightly. "Their relationship is already complicated enough," she said. Then she froze, her eyes glazed over, and her hand tightened around Noah's. She was having a vision.

I looked over to Edward to see his reaction to what she was seeing. His eyebrows shot up quickly before he covered his shock in a smile. Bella was looking right at him as this happened and could tell something was up.

Alice came out of the vision and looked straight at me. "Victoria is coming to attack on Saturday. She thinks she can get to Bella then. Can you tell Sam after school?"

"Yeah, of course. We'll head there right away," I told her. "But Bella should get out of here if possible."

"Carlisle and Esme's present was plane tickets. She can take them and visit her mom. Edward will convince her." Leave it up to Alice to figure everything out within minutes.

As the school day came to an end, I met up with everyone in the parking lot. We only had a couple of minutes before Bella came over, so we had to make our conversation quick.

"I'll head over to Sam's with Jasper, and then we'll be over right after to talk," I told everyone.

"Edward," Alice said, "you have to convince Bella to go."

"Don't worry; I know just how to do it. She keeps bringing up me changing her after graduation. If I allude to that, she'll go for sure." While most of what Edward said was worrying, I was sure he wasn't going to change her after graduation for no reason, so I decided to just move on from that subject for the time being.

As Bella started making her way over, Jasper and I got into Jasper's car. We drove straight to Sam's house, me texting him on the way, telling him we needed to talk. We got to the house, and the whole pack was gathered inside, waiting. We joined them in the living room, where we got straight to business.

"Victoria is coming this weekend to try and attack Bella." My sentence caused quite a reaction from the pack.

Jacob was angry immediately, so I was worried he might phase in the living room. Most of the rest of the pack looked concerned but ready to help.

Sam reacted as if I told him Victoria was in the kitchen. He stood up so quickly I took a startled step back. Jasper wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back behind him in a moment, ready to protect me if he phased suddenly. "How do we stop her?" He asked, trying to keep his emotions under control.

"Edward is going to get Bella out of town for the weekend. With her gone, and the two of us working together, it'll be an easy win for us." As Jasper spoke, I could tell he was using his power to affect the room's atmosphere. Everyone calmed down by the second, and the pack's worry was starting to ease.

Then Leah spoke up. "You expect us to work together with you?"

"I'm sure that'll work well," Jacob added sarcastically.

"Quiet!" Sam's aggression was back, but it was focused on Leah and Jacob. His loud voice shut both of them up immediately, so he turned back to us once again. "We'll make sure this ends this weekend. Give us a heads up, and we'll be there."

With a nod from Jasper, our conversation was done. He started leading me back outside so we could head home and talk to the family when Leah spoke up again.

"Where are you going?" She yelled at me.

"To figure out the rest of the plan," I told her, walking through the front door with Jasper.

"Shouldn't you be here so we can figure out a plan?" Since Leah learned about vampires, she became one of the most irritable people to be around. Possibly second only to Jacob.

I didn't answer her. Instead, Jasper and I got in the car and drove away without another word.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now