77- Changing

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It was as if I could feel Jasper sitting next to me as I lay there in the darkness. As the ringing in my ears slowly decreased, I could hear his muffled words next to me. I couldn't understand a word he said, but I knew he was there, which gave me all the drive I needed to fight against the fire ravishing my body. But soon, the sounds faded altogether as I turned my focus on the beating of my heart. If I could keep my heart beating, then I could see Jasper again.

And then the fire stopped.

But my heart was still beating. I slowly gained my hearing back and could hear someone pacing near me. With one deep breath in, I could tell it was Jasper.

And then I opened my eyes.

It was disorienting. Everything seemed brighter and clearer than before, but I couldn't understand why. I stared up at the ceiling without moving and realized I was still breathing, and my heart was still beating. I turned my head slightly to see Jasper pacing around the room, as I anticipated. It was only then I realized we were in our room.

Jasper was not looking at me as he paced. His eyes were shut tight as he kept muttering random words. His whole body was tense, and his face was scrunched up. I figured I should tell him I was awake so he would stop.

I spoke barely above a whisper as I said, "Jazz?"

He opened his eyes and looked straight at me. His eyes met mine, and he was by my side in a moment, wrapping me in a hug. "You're supposed to be dead," he told me, holding me tight. I could feel how upset he was. He was conflicted between happiness and confusion as he spoke to me.

I tried to lighten his mood. "Don't tell me you're upset I'm awake," I told him.

"Trust me; I'm not." He pulled back and looked into my eyes as I smiled.

I sat up in the bed as Carlisle walked into the room and straight over to me. He sat down on the other side of me and looked at me in concentration. I suddenly felt very anxious and attributed it to Jasper's close proximity.

"How do you feel?" Carlisle asked me, getting straight to the point.

I took a moment to figure out how I felt. "I feel great," I told him honestly.

"How is this happening?" Jasper asked Carlisle, wrapping me in another hug.

"I'm not sure," Carlisle replied.

"Wait, what's wrong?" I asked the two, not understanding the problem. I was awake; wasn't that a good thing?

"Emma," Carlisle started saying, "you're a vampire."

"But my heart is beating," I told him, not believing him.

"I know that," he replied. "But the venom has spread through your body; you're paler and colder than you were, I'm assuming you have enhanced senses, and your eyes are blood red."

"What!" I yelled. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the mirror. As I got there, I realized I ran faster than I ever had. I processed this as I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I did look like a vampire, but my heart was still beating, and I felt the need to breathe. "What is going on?" I asked myself.

While looking in the mirror, I could see Jasper walking up behind me. He gently put his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down, but I felt super stressed out instead. "We don't know," Jasper told me. "But whatever it is, it's going to be okay."

I could hear someone walking on the other side of the door, and based on their smell, I guessed it was Alice. I turned to look at the door a few seconds before she knocked, confusing both Jasper and Carlisle.

Alice spoke through the door. "Everyone really wants to see Emma. I saw her wake up as she did, and I don't see anything bad happening if she comes downstairs."

"Maybe in a minute, Alice," Carlisle called out.

Both Jasper and Carlisle turned to look at me. "What do you think?" Jasper asked me. "Want to see everyone?"

I gave him a small smile and answered, "Yes, I do."

Jasper simply nodded as Carlisle got off the bed and made his way over to us. The three of us made our way out of the room and down the stairs. As we walked, I felt more anxious by the second, but I did my best to ignore it. As we made it to the living room, I felt a wave of happiness wash over me while I looked at my family. We were all confused about what was happening, but everyone was clearly happy that I had woken up. Jasper stood beside me as we all started talking.

"How are you feeling?" Esme asked me cautiously.

"I feel good," I told her. "I'm not sure what is going on, but I feel good."

Instead of continuing the conversation, Esme rushed forward and hugged me. I welcomed the embrace and wrapped my arms around her. As she stepped back, the others just filled her space. Everyone wanted to hug me, and I wasn't going to tell them no. They all said random things as they hugged me, just happy I was okay.

As Alice wrapped me in a hug, I felt a tingly sensation quickly ripple through my body before it disappeared. I just brushed it off, assuming it was nothing. Edward looked at me weird when it happened, though.

I hugged everyone, accidentally leaving Edward for last. As he wrapped his arms around me, I felt a sharp pain in my head before I heard voices.

'I'm so glad you're okay and not mad at me.'

"Why would I be mad at you, Edward?" I asked, pulling back from Edward.

'What is she talking about?'

'Is she okay?'

"I didn't say that out loud," Edward told me.

I looked at him in confusion.

'Can you hear me?' I could hear his voice, but his mouth wasn't moving.


"She's hearing our thoughts after touching me."

"She copied your gift?" Carlisle asked.

"She must have," Edward answered, turning to face Carlisle.

The voices in my head were slowly fading as Jasper's arms wrapped around me. I felt extremely anxious once again and leaned farther into Jasper.

"She's copying Jasper's too," Edward said, looking over at us. "She just didn't realize it."

"How do you not realize you're copying my ability?" Jasper asked me.

"I'm just used to feeling your emotions when you're close to me. I figured that was all that was happening," I told him, stressing myself out.

"Why don't I call Eleazar and have him come down here," Carlisle said, hoping to calm the conversation. "He can tell what a vampire's gift is, and maybe he can help."

"That sounds good," I told him.

Carlisle and Esme walked up to his office to call Eleazar.

Then I smelt something I had never smelt before. It confused me, but it made Jasper's arms tighten around me.

"What in the world is she doing here?!"

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now