Settling Down

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"Maman, I'll be back just a few days before thanksgiving," Marinette said. "Oh, I know but I'm going to miss you," she said, hugging her. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Plus, I'll have Adrien with me," she said, pointing to her boyfriend who was on the phone with Nathalie.

"I know, it's just-"

"I know, maman. I'm still coming back no matter what happens in Gotham," she said.

"Oh, my little girl is all grown up! Already going to different places without us. Oh, it seems like just yesterday you were complaining that you couldn't sleep without Monsieur Chat," Tom reminisced.

"Oh, what is this I hear about sleeping with Monsieur Chat?" Adrien said, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist. "Just reminiscing about Marinette when she was but a baby," Tom said.

"We better be heading out if we don't want to miss the bus," Adrien said, kissing Sabine's cheek and hugging Tom goodbye.

Marinette and Adrien rolled their suitcases to the side of the school the bakery wasn't next to.

"You ready to go?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. Plus, what are the chances that we actually see Bruce Wayne. We'll probably just keep seeing one of the assistants instead," she said.

"Hey guys! You're finally here!" Alya said. "Yeah. Sorry, we're late. I kept talking to my parents and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened," she smiled. "Yeah. I can't wait til we-"

"Hey, Alya! Come over here, I want to tell you about one of my trips to Gotham," Lila called. "I'll talk to you guys later," Alya said, pulling her boyfriend (and his arm) to the Italian.

"This is going to be the longest 8 hours of my entire life," Marinette complained. "Just pray we get to sit next to each other and not Lila," Adrien said. Marinette immediately clapped her hands together and bowed her head.

Adrien laughed at his girlfriend's antics. "Let's make our bets, yeah?" Adrien said. "Okay. I bet Lila is going to try and switch her seats to sit with you at least twice," Adrien took it, saying she was only going to try once.

"I bet Lila is going to complain to a flight attendant at least ten times," Adrien bet.

"I say five," Marinette said. They shook each other's hand.

"Alrighty, class. Time to get on the bus," Ms. Bustier announced.


Well, Adrien and Marinette broke even. Lila did try to switch seats with Adrien claiming that she had a fear of heights and she knew Adrien would protect her and that the child behind her kept kicking her seat, despite said child being asleep.

And she kept complaining about smelling the restroom, not getting enough food or drinks, and so on.

Marinette, however, barely paid attention to the liar's antics. About an hour into the flight, she fell asleep on Adrien's shoulder watching Kobra Kai with him. She had woken up about when there was about two hours left.

She looked behind her to Lila asleep on Alya's shoulder. Marinette and Adrien decided to watch Ridiculousness on her phone for the rest of the flight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you look out of your windows you will see Gotham city, where we will be landing at Gotham City airport soon," the pilot said.

The city had many different sized buildings. Some were tall and skinny and others short and stout. The city looked dark, which could've been because of the time, and it looked like the fog just sat over Gotham and nowhere else. Despite the dark color of the sky and the cloudiness, the city's light's themselves were bright from bright whites to dim yellows.

"This does not seem like a place your mom would go," Adrien said. "I know right," came Marinette's reply.

The airport was crowded and they were all squished together so they wouldn't get lost. Lila kept complaining that she kept running into people's shoulders and no one apologized to her.

They all got together with their partner (Lila kept trying to get Adrien to switch with her).

First, Adrien, Marinette, and Chloe. Then it was Alya and Lila along with Nino and Kim. Then came Rose and Juleka, following Mylene and Sabrina, who had Ivan and Max sitting behind them. Alix and Nathaniel were partnered together as well.

The bus ride to the hotel wasn't that long, it was only an hour away (it would've been shorter but there was traffic). The Kane hotel was big and kind of looked like the Empire State building with how similar the design and height was.

"Woah, your family sure is creative. I see where you get it from," she elbowed Adrien in the gut.

The class stayed with their respective partners for the bedding. "Chloe, Adrien, and Marinette. Your room comes with two rooms, seeing as Chloe upgraded for you guys. I expect you and Chloe to share a room and Adrien the other," Ms. Bustier said, handing Chloe the room's key card.

They all went to their rooms, which were all on the same floor. "Sorry, Dupain-Cheng but I am not sharing with you," she said as the door shut. "Plus we all know you were going to sleep with Adri-kins anyways."

She rolled her suitcase to the nearest bedroom. "But was she wrong?" Adrien commented. Marinette kissed him slowly and passionately. She pulled away before he could respond back.

"No, she wasn't," and she went to their room.

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