Thousands of Simultaneous Mouse Clicks

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"Where were you?" Adrien asked when Marinette swung into the room through the window.

"I was just walking around. I used Trixx to hide my face," Marinette said. "I'll get you something to eat right now Trixx," she said, turning to the kwami. The kwami gave a loud yay before spinning in a circle.

Marinette went out to the small kitchen area, Adrien following behind. "I talked to Alya after you left. I think she believes us now," Adrien said. "Is Chloe up?" Marinette asked.

"No, she fell asleep watching a movie and I carried her to her room," Adrien said. Marinette called out Trixx from the room.

Trixx landed on Marinette's palm where a grape waited for her. "Thank you, guardian," she said before nibbling on the small fruit. Trixx let out a small burp when she was finished. "I don't really care what Alya thinks about Lila anymore," said Marinette.

The couple and kwami walked back to the room. Adrien sat on the bed. "Goodnight Trixx," the couple said. "Goodnight guardians," Trixx replied before she got put back in the miracle box.

"I am so tired and have a headache," Marinette said. Adrien opened his arms and Marinette joined him on the bed, snuggling up against his chest. "What happened?" Adrien asked, rubbing small circles on the small of her back.

"I met two more of my siblings," Marinette said. "What? How?" Adrien said. "They both found me in two different alleys," Marinette said.

"What did they say?" Adrien asked, bringing her closer to him. "That I don't have to talk or do anything if I didn't want to," Marinette replied.

"I just want to sleep," Marinette said. Adrien laid himself and her down on the bed, wrapping his arms around her body in the process.

"I'll be here when you wake up," Adrien said, closing his eyes himself.


Adrien and Marinette woke up to the sound of Adrien's phone ringing. "Go back to sleep, Princess," Adrien said as he moved to go get his phone. Marinette mumbled something incoherent but she didn't go back to sleep.

"Bonjour Nathalie," Adrien said as he picked up the phone call. He took the call outside the room.

Marinette looked outside through the little sliver that the curtains didn't cover. Adrien's conversation was muffled through the walls. Marinette was tired enough where she wasn't caring about the events that occurred the day before.

Adrien came back in quietly. "What did Nathalie want?" Marinette asked. Adrien joined her on the bed once more.

"Nathalie called me," Adrien broke her reverie.

"I thought she was sick."

"She is," Adrien agreed. "She's feeling better, I guess." Adrien sat up, kneeling in front of her. "She and father know I'm in Gotham."

"What?" Marinette jolted forwards, nearly colliding with Adrien. She looked at him worriedly. "A-and do you have to─"

"He's not making me leave," Adrien hurried to assure her. "But..."

"But?" Marinette frowned.

"You're the reason," Adrien said. Marinette raised an eyebrow. "They know about... yeah. He and Nathalie want Wayne Enterprise to form some business deal with Gabriel, and they think that if you and I are... entwined, then they'll have more reason to accept.

Marinette couldn't help the bright grin on her face. "So they want you to seduce me, your girlfriend, in order to do something business-y?"

Adrien ducked his head, smiling. "Yeah. Pretty much." Marinette broke into a fit of giggles, collapsing onto his torso. "I don't think it's working," she joked.

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