Party Til Nightfall

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Hey everyone! This is the last chapter of this story! I will make one-shots/a series out of this so it is not the complete end. If there is anything you guys want to see, please comment below, and I will try to make it happen. Please read and enjoy!


It was unbelievable to Marinette to see how fast time passed. Just nine years ago, she met her biological father and gained more siblings than she ever thought. It felt like just a week ago, she had met them.

Marinette smiled as Jason entered the room. "Hey, Jay," Marinette said. "You look beautiful," Jason said, giving her a big hug. "Thank you," Marinette replied.

Marinette smiled at Jason until she noticed him. "Jason, are you crying?" Marinette asked with a smile. "No! Demon Spawn just tried to poke out my eye earlier," he said, wiping away the tears lining his eyes.

"No killing each other. Especially not today," Marinette joked. "Of course, today is all about you," Jason said.

"Just know, if you guys ever need help, my door is always open. I will always help you if I can. Anything in my power, just say it," Jason told her, hugging her once more. As he pulled back, he noticed her tears.

Marinette wiped away her eyes gently, careful not to wipe off the makeup. A knock interrupted their sweet moment. Tom appeared in the doorway. "It's time," he said, smiling softly at his daughter.

"I'll see you after," Marinette said. The two men smiled at the younger woman. "Are you ready?" Tom asked. "As ready as I'll ever be," Marinette said.

Tom brought her down the hallways and to the edge of the arch of flowers, the aisle waiting for her. Her eyes met Bruce's. She smiled as they locked arms together. Both of her fathers smiling at her. "I love you guys," Marinette said.

The bridal march started, and Marinette's heart skipped a beat. She felt her fathers led her to the middle of the aisle. She could see Adrien standing in front of the minister. God, please don't let the mascara run down my face right now, Marinette thought.

She could feel the eyes of her family and friends as she made her way to the end of the aisle.

Tom lifted her veil, her glossy eyes meeting his. Tom kissed her cheek, and then Bruce proceeded to do the same. Bruce handed her off to Adrien before sitting down beside Tom and Sabine.

Marinette smiled harder when Adrien took her hand. She could see the tears in his eyes as well.

Marinette didn't listen to Ivan, who took the role of the Priest until he mentioned the vows. "Adrien?"

Marinette stared into Adrien's eyes. "Marinette, I've loved you ever since you introduced yourself as madly clumsy. You are my best friend."

Nino coughed. "Sorry, Nino," Adrien said, causing everyone to laugh.

"You've always been there even when I pushed you away. You've been with me through thick and-" Adrien's voice broke. "You've been with me through thick and thin, and I can't imagine life without you. I can't promise that life will be easier, but I can promise that I'll stick with you to the end. You are my forever. I don't ever want to imagine life without you," he said.

"Fuck the mascara," Marinette whispered, causing Adrien to let out a small chuckle. Marinette wiped away Adrien's tears with the pad of her thumb.

"Marinette," Ivan announced her turn.

"Adrien, are the best and purr-fect purr-son for me. From the day you gave me your umbrella, I've loved you. From our crazy adventures to our midnight chats, you've stuck with me," Marinette saw how Adrien's face lit up at her puns. "It's always been me and you against the world. I can't imagine my life without you and your crazy cat puns. Alya made me sign a contract," Alya whipped out a piece of paper from behind her back, "That I couldn't call you my best friend, but that is fine. You are more than that. You're my partner, and I couldn't ask for someone more paws-itively a-meow-sing," her voice broke at the last sentence.

She could see some people looking at her weirdly from the corner of her eyes, but as she met Adrien's teary eyes, she realized she didn't care about the others. They both turned their head to Ivan, waiting for him to continue the ceremony.

"Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne, take Adrien Agreste to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Marinette said with a bright smile.

"Do you, Adrien-"

"I do," stated Adrien with an even brighter smile (if that was possible).

The crowd laughed, and Adrien and Marinette could feel their blush showing. "You gotta let him finish the question, Sunshine," Alya said behind Marinette.

"I'll start again. Do you, Adrien Agreste, take Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Adrien said.

"By the power vested in me, in the presence of God and the witness of friends and family, it is my great privilege to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Ivan said with a grin.

Marinette smiled as Adrien pulled her in and kissed her. As they pulled apart, she could see the smiles from all of her family.

"Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Agreste!" Nino announced over the speakers. Marinette and Adrien smiled as they entered their reception room. The room was filled with hollering, clapping, and cheers.

The couple smiled as Nino announced the first dance. The Batfam smiled as they saw their second youngest member dancing with the love of her life. "The wedding looks so nice. I should've expected that from Marinette," Dick said.

"A lot of it was Adrien," Jason chuckled. Dick smiled as he stared at the ex-model. "I'm not surprised by that all," Dick replied. Bruce smiled at the scene. For once, the whole family was smiling and not at each other's throats.

"While I detest all of the pastel colors, it does suit them very nicely," Damian said.

"So, Dick, should I expect another wedding this year with you and Kor'i?" Bruce asked, taking a sip of his champagne. Dick, who was also drinking his beverage, started to choke, causing Jason to hit to tell him to be quieter in his dying.

Damian, Cass, and Tim laughed at Dick's embarrassed and pink face.

The night was filled with joy and laughter. Marinette smiled as she saw Adrien dancing with all the guys. While they had always been family to him, it felt nice to make it official. It wasn't until she felt a tap on her shoulders that she realized she was dazing off.

"What are you thinking about, M'Lady?" Adrien said, sitting right next to her. "Just thinking about how we have forever to be together," Marinette said, pecking his lips.

Adrien enclosed Marinette's hand in his. "I can't wait to spend forever with you, Mrs. Agreste," Adrien smiled, getting closer to her face. "And I, you, Mr. Agreste," she said, meeting his lips once more.

"Come on, guys. Save that for the honeymoon! Get in line!" Alya said, leading a small congo line. Marinette and Adrien smiled as they went to join their friends and family in their festivities.

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