New Faces

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The bus ride to the new Wayne Enterprises building was shorter than Marinette thought. Ms. Bustier explained that they were going to the newer one since it was newer and had more of the things they had researched during their project.

The building was so big and definitely a little wider than the hotel. The building looked like it was made of black marble and the glass had a grayish-dark blue tint. It was so tall that the small buildings stayed in its shadow. The class all gasped simultaneously when they saw the building.

When they finally stopped in front of the building, they exited seat by seat. "I can't believe your family owns this," Adrien told her. "I know right," Marinette said in astonishment.

The class quickly followed Ms. Bustier inside. The inside of the building was big. The ground floor was plain but beautiful with concrete walls and paintings of different groups of employees.

The elevator dinged and out came a lady with blonde hair and blue eyes came out wearing a navy blue blazer and black leggings. "Hello! My name is Jeanne and I will be your tour guide for today," she said.

She quickly led them to the elevator splitting up the group until all of the class was on the first floor.

They quickly made it to the second floor while everybody looked around. The tour of the second floor was quickly done. "Is it true that you make weapons for Batman?" Marinette asked, as they stopped by the elevator again.

"I cannot answer that," Jeanne said. Alya got excited and took out her phone, focusing the video on Jeanne's face.

"So, you do?" Alya questioned, slightly jumping. "No, but I can tell you about some of the times Batman saved us from villains such as the Joker and Riddler," Jeanne said.

"Oh, the Riddler! Did you guys have to answer riddles? Oh but Joker! Did he use bombs? Did he hurt anyone? How long did the fight last?"

"Well," Jeanne scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"Well, aren't you an excited one?" a voice said behind them. The class turned around and Marinette's eyes widened.

Right in front of them was Timothy Drake-Wayne. He was dressed in a navy blue suit and black business shoes. His hair was dark and looked like it had once been down but it was now in a mess. "Oh my god, you're Tim Drake!" Alya squealed. "Yes, I am," he smiled.

"Jeanne, they need you and some other interns upstairs, get any you see," he told her. "Yes, right away, Mr. Wayne, uh, Drake, sir," she said, rushing in the elevator. Tim chuckled lightly.

"Hello, I am Tim Drake, one of the many CEOs of this company. I will be staying with you guys for the next," he glanced down at his watch, "30 minutes, more or less," he said.

"Do you know Batman?" Alya asked excitedly.

"I've met Batman a few times, yes. My family has a," he tried to find the word, "-reputation with bad guys," he chuckled.

"He got that right," Adrien whispered in Marinette's ear.

"Shut up," Marinette grumbled. Adrien pretended to zip his lips and throw away the keys.

The rest of the tour was all 'oohs' and 'ahhs' from the class but Marinette stayed silent.

As the class looked at how a machine was, Tim had mentioned something about Batman once being in this room. "You know, Batman once saved me and Dami-boo. He took us to the Batcave and there were so many bats! The batmobile was also supercool," Lila said, everybody putting their attention back on her.

"Does she always lie like this?" Tim asked.

"Please, the moment the attention isn't on her, she opens her mouth again," Marinette said. "While I agree that the Batmobile is cool, from what I've seen from the news, everybody knows Batman doesn't stay for tea," Tim said.

"And here I was trying to be best friends," Marinette joked. Tim chuckled softly. "'Damiboo' is obviously referring to the- my brother," Tim said.

I wonder what he was going to say, Marinette thought. Tim's watch beeped signaling that the tour was over for the day.

"Well, it was lovely meeting all of you but the tour is now over. Your bus should be waiting outside. It was nice to meet you all and I will see you in two days," he said as Jeanne came out.

He whispered something in her ear before leaving. "Follow me and I will lead you guys to the bus."

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