A Talk

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The class decided that they would order pizza and Chloe offered to use their room as the 'dining room'.

Fuck, Chloe, and trying to be nice at the wrong time, Marinette thought as Lila entered with the class in tow.

"If you want, we can stay in our room," Adrien whispered as he sat down on the couch next to her. Marinette thought about it. They had moved her stuff into Chloe's room in case Lila decided to 'get lost looking for the bathroom' and report them to Ms. Bustier.

"Yes, please," she whispered back. They slowly got up and walked into the room while the others were distracted. "You think we're going to see your father tomorrow?" Adrien asked.

"Don't call him that. I don't even know him," Marinette said. "And no. I don't think we are going to see him. I doubt he'll even be there when we are," Marinette said, taking a bite of her pizza.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" she gave him a questioning look. "If you ever do see him," Adrien corrected. Marinette paused. She had never thought of telling him.

Would she?

"No. I have my papa and that's perfectly fine for me and Maman. Plus, I have enough things to worry about in life, especially when a certain cat decides to keep sacrificing himself," she teased.

He scratched behind his neck. Marinette set her pizza on the bedside table and wrapped her arms around Adrien's chest.

"Stop dying," she mumbled quietly into his chest. Adrien set down his pizza to the side. He pulled her on top of his chest, hugging her tightly. "You know I can't do that. If me dying means you stay alive, I will always die for you," Adrien said.

"I love you," Marinette said.

"I love you too, Bugaboo," Adrien said and he kissed the top of her head. The door opened suddenly and they jumped apart as fast as they could.

"Oh, relax. It's just me," Chloe said. "Oh, Dieu merci," Marinette sighed. "Although, I'm sure Rossi is close to asking where you two are and suggesting we search the rooms," Chloe said.

"Too good to last," Adrien sighed. "Thank you for telling us, Chloe," Marinette said, getting off of Adrien. "No problem," Chloe said. They could hear Lila say, "What are they doing in there?"

"I don't know. Adrien was talking to her," Chloe replied nonchalantly.


Marinette decided to open the door so they could leave. "What were you two talking about?" Lila asked.

"Oh," Adrien said beside her, "I was thanking Marinette for being such a good friend and helping me find my phone earlier. She found it under the bed," Adrien said with a small laugh.

Marinette tried to look dejected when he said good friend but in actuality, she just wanted to burst out laughing.

"I'm getting tired," Marinette said, yawning. "Dieu, I hate jet lag," Marinette said, going into Chloe's room.

"Oh, so I'm not the only one," Rose said right before she yawned.

"I think this party is over," Ms. Bustier said. "Come on, children. Let's all go to our respective rooms now and remember, no switching your roommates."

One by one the students left the room. "You think Lila did anything?" Adrien asked when the door shut. "No one said or did anything to us," Marinette said.

Adrien entered Chloe's room. "Goodnight, Chloe," Chloe heard Marinette say something too but she was too far away from her room. "Marinette says goodnight as well."

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