What's an ocean or two?

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Me and Billie decided tomorrow would be a good day for our FaceTime date, but tonight is toms dinner party and how excited I was to spend time in a social setting where I don't want the ground to swallow me up

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Me and Billie decided tomorrow would be a good day for our FaceTime date, but tonight is toms dinner party and how excited I was to spend time in a social setting where I don't want the ground to swallow me up.

I threw together a somewhat sophisticated outfit, and drove the short drive to toms bungalow where I was greeted by Rose waiting on the doorstep for me. Rose is Mr.Webb's granddaughter, we're only a couple years apart so we naturally gravitated toward each other when we first met. I only saw her every six months or so, this time it'd been nine months, as the last time was Christmas. We had a lot to catch up on.

"Hey! I missed you." Her accent was slightly posher than mine and her grandfathers, her dad had gone to university down south many years ago and during his time there through social events he met Elma, roses mother who decided on a university closer to home. I guess Grey, toms son and Elma came to the joint decision to build a life for themselves down there, their excuse was that Grey loved it, and Elma lived there anyway.

"Hey, I missed you too." I chirped, embracing her in for a hug.

"Come on, let's go have our famous juice whilst they finish preparing dinner."

I laughed at how articulate Rose was, and closely followed her to the garden, saying my hellos on my way through.

"So, I heard about Addison. How are you feeling about that?"

My body rose slightly, then fell back down as I let out an over exaggerated sigh, "I just feel relief. I know it's been ages, i mean we ended just after Christmas, but even back then I felt relief," I trailed on, thinking back to that time.

Rose nodded with compassion, "she was never any good for you Reese."

I took a sip of my juice, "I know. I also heard about your breakup, I was meant to reach out-."

Rose cut me off, "hey, we were both going through it. It's hard to give someone helpful advise when your world is falling apart."

I silently agreed, "what happened?" I kept my voice soft, aware that her and Louis was probably a sensitive topic.

"It just turned bad. I mean, the first three months were awful, the last four months have been eye opening. I've actually been messaging a boy from down here, his name is Dylan. He's great with me, he's really trying his best but I push him away quite a lot. I'm scared, we're kind of far apart."

Try being me. "I get that," I said, laughing internally, and Rose raised her eyebrow at me, "there's a girl..." I tried to keep it short, but Rose wanted details.

"Ok, there's a girl. What's her name? How did you meet? I want to know everything!" I laughed at her enthusiasm, and Rose sat with an excited expression on her face.

"Her name is Billie, and we haven't actually met. You know, we're kind of far apart." I mimicked her earlier statement.

"Can I see a picture." I pulled out my phone and clicked on one of billies Instagram photos.

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