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Ouch - the first thought to pop into my mind thismorning

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Ouch - the first thought to pop into my mind this
morning. Whoops, I must've fallen asleep on the sofa last night.

I had a shift at the cafe a little later on, I couldn't wait actually. With Billie and Ria gone, work was about to become my best friend again.

I hate being that bitch that checks her phone as soon as she wakes up, and I really try not to be that bitch but the curiosity completely consumed me. I had to know whether Billie had text or not.



Hey bub, just wanted to let you know I got here safely. Milan is beautiful, you'd love it💕

Hey, good. Pls send some pics💗




Hey you ok?
Read 14:56

Billie? I miss you...
Read 23:23

Hope ur ok..
Delivered 08:43


Just as I placed my phone back onto the coffee table in a huff a knock at the door startled me. I wasn't expecting anyone. Somehow, I managed to force my aching body up to answer it.

"I brought you breakfast," Josh smiled as he held up a brown paper bag. Odd.

I stepped aside to let him in, "what's the catch?"

Josh walked straight through to my kitchen as if he owned the place. "I'm just being nice Reese," he laughed.

"Hmm, ok." I sat myself down on one of the cold dining chairs.

Josh got straight to work preparing breakfast; he knows me well enough to know that I love an aesthetically pleasing board filled with pancakes and fresh fruits.

"So..." he turned to face me, the knife in his hand worried me slightly; he shouldn't be trusted with sharp objects, "have you heard from Ria?"

I nodded in response, attempting to keep a terrified look off my face. "Yeah, I haven't heard from Billie yet though."

Josh turned back to the watermelon he was chopping, "really? She's been gone what, three days?"

It made me feel a little better that Josh was shocked too, it was almost confirmation that I wasn't being psychopathic. "Yup..."

"She hasn't even text you?" Josh wore a confused expression as he placed the knife down. Thank god.

I didn't say anything, instead I just shook my head in response.

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