Everything i wanted

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Tom and I arrived at the pretty little cafe that I call home

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Tom and I arrived at the pretty little cafe that I call home. As I walked in I saw a guilty faced Jules surrounded by balloons, banners and streamers. I thought I'd be mad, but I wasn't. In fact I was the opposite, I was grateful.

I stared around the room taking it all in. Personalised balloon arrangements sat in each corner, smaller balloons scattered the ceiling. Across the walls banners were hung, each personalised with 'Happy Birthday Reese.' The cafe was still open, but inside sat regular customers only. Each of them cheered as they saw me. My heart instantly melted.

I noticed that the music playing was a playlist of all of my favourite songs. A tower of cupcakes stood tall on the counter, each of them decorated differently, some had the number twenty, others had my name and the rest read 'happy birthday'. I was in complete awe. "Please don't be mad." She begged innocently, her knees bending a little as she placed her hands together as if she were praying. "How could I be?"

We spent a few minutes talking, Tom joined in the conversation before he made his way to his corner. Jules handed me a gift bag and told me she wanted me to open it now, luckily we had a good staff member today who told us he can manage the customers for a while.

Jules was one for fancy presents, she loved spoiling people, especially her children. She consistently tells me that as much as she adores the ground that josh walks on, she has a special place in her heart for me and sees me as the daughter she never had.

I dived into the gift bag. Pulling out the card first. On the front wrote, 'Happy birthday daughter.' My heart can't take anymore.


Happy birthday honey!

I love you with my whole entire heart. I hope you know I'll always be here for you. You're the most amazing, strong human I've ever met.

I hope you have a great day.

Lots of love, mama Jules x

Ps. I'm sorry for going a little overboard.


I laughed a little at the apology. Jules quickly shoved the bag in my face, not allowing me to get soppy.

There was something special about Jules' presents. She bought me my first big girl bra with matching thongs. To me, your mother is supposed to introduce you to those things, and I didn't have a mother. I thought I'd have to work out cup-sizes, and the right style for my ass myself, but I didn't. So I guess to others, it's just underwear but to me Jules took on a role that she had no obligation to. As much as her gifts were general, they were so personal to me.

Jules always spoiled me rotten with girly things. Laced underwear, designer sports bras, and she never gave me that shit without the the thong to go with. She bought me so many perfumes, all the makeup a girl could need, and so many hair products.

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