First date

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The next morning I had work

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The next morning I had work. The shift was spent catching up with Jules, drinking coffee and us back and forth complaining about how much we'd rather be in bed. Tom didn't make an appearance but I didn't worry too much since he had a late night last night.

Eventually I made my way home after driving down to the shops to grab some food for mine and billies FaceTime date night.

I wanted to make myself look a little more put together. Billie does see me dressed up when I'm going out to a party, but she only sees me put together for a few seconds before I have to say goodbye and rush out the door, otherwise she only ever sees me in my joggers, no makeup and a messy bun.

I started with a shower. I dried and waved my hair, applied a little more makeup than usual and dressed myself in actual clothes.

 I dried and waved my hair, applied a little more makeup than usual and dressed myself in actual clothes

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Once I was ready, I cooked my meal. Although I called Billie every night, and spoke to her every day I felt so nervous. The date was over the phone, and she was thousands of miles away, but this was our first date.

I decided on pasta. Nothing beats pasta.

I watched the minutes go by on my phone until the time turned eight pm. Right on cue, my phone rang.

"Damn," Billie sucked her teeth, looking me up and down. "Pretty girl." She added, forcing me to blush. She always looked perfect, I could tell she made an extra effort tonight though. She matched her oversized t-shirt to her neon green hair, which was styled half up, half down. My favourite. She'd put a little mascara on, making her eyes bluer than ever. She had rings on most of her fingers, two watches on her wrist and a collection of chains around her neck. I don't think I could possibly be more attracted to her.

"You ain't too bad yourself Eilish," I joked with a smirk.

Billie had closed her blinds, and lit candles before she called. She really tried her best to make it feel like we were in the same time zone, and it worked.

"Shit I can't wait until we go on a date in person," my voice was soft, innocent.

"I can't wait to take you on one." She added, her voice opposite to my tone, in the best way.

"You're like my soulmate or some shit." Oops, I didn't mean to say that.

"You're definitely my soulmate, or some shit." Billie winked at me.

"I love us. We just so cute. Fuck dude." I sat in awe, silently admiring her. "I mean like one day we're going to actually meet, and like fuck." She took a quick pause, "I don't mean we will fuck, we will but..." she took another pause, with a smirk this time, "it's just crazy to think about" She rambled on, squeezing her hands and grinning in excitement. Cutie.

It didn't take long for me to join her excitement. "I know, like one day we will be able to hug each other, I can't cope" I added, both of us getting excited over something that may be so out of reach, but we both knew that one day, would be our 'one day'.

We made small talk whilst we finished our meals, both moving onto a juice. "No you were actually pissed at me." She joked.

I rolled my eyes, gripping my hair in frustration. "Shut up, I wasn't actually pissed at you. I replied didn't I?"

Billie let out a loud laugh, "you replied, but you were definitely pissed at me. I woke you like three times in a day babe."

Suddenly we were both laughing, "yeah but I let you off, too pretty to be mad at."

"I know like, you're there and I'm here but this is like fucking special to me and I don't know how but I do have... nope." Billie cut herself off, letting out a screech. "I'm cringe arent I?" I shook my head, hoping she'd carry on. "I do have feelings for you, like fuck, deep feelings I don't know what to do with myself." She covered her now blushing face with her hands.

"A little cringe, but I like it. You know I'm the same though, like I have deep feelings at this point." I added, making sure to exaggerate 'deep.'

Billie made a habit of hugging the phone whenever we had a soft moment, and that's exactly what she did.

The way she looked at me, even just through a camera was so breathtaking. A mixture of adoring me, of wanting to protect me but wanting to rip my clothes off all at the same time. It was intimidating but in the best way.

"Thank you for the best date angel" Billie sent me her famous teethy grin, "it was all you."

I washed my face and returned to my usual state, jumped into bed and got comfy. It was late for me now, midnight to be exact and as much as I didn't want to be, I was exhausted. A four hour long date and I didn't once get bored of her. If humans didn't require sleep to function I would never stop talking to her i swear.

"You tired pretty?" She questioned, lowering her voice as she realised I was yawning away. I propped my phone up and nodded my head, "you look cute."

I opened my eyes and frowned at her, "no I don't, you're cute."

She now copied my frown, "no pretty, you can't be soft with me that's my job."

I noticed Billie staring at me, but instead of teasing her for it like usual I just let her. My eyes slowly closed, "goodnight beauty, Im missin' you already." She whispered, I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was being.

"Nighty night, I'm missin' you more."

I let the events of the night dance around in my head, images of Billie looking at me like no ones ever looked at me before. The feeling of protection from someone across the world. She just made me feel safe. The feeling of my heart melting every time she smiled. Butterflies with every flirty remark she made. Everything about her, about us was perfect. Even the ocean between us, I wouldn't change a thing about her or us, because then it wouldn't be her, and it wouldn't be us. Who's to say your soulmate lives down the road anyway?

I could hear billies breaths, and it wasn't long before mine synchronised with them. The familiar faint noises in the background that had become so comforting to me. Every now and again a little giggle at something she finds funny on her phone, eventually I fell to sleep with only her on my mind.

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