Remain calm

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I woke up the next morning, mine and billies call had ended as I expected. I didn't have much to do today, but the laundry had piled up, and a mountain of dishes took over my kitchen so I guess I had to get through those.

I headed downstairs and began sorting through colours for the wash. "Hey girl." I heard a familiar voice as my door opened. Ria has her own key, just incase she ever needs me. "Hey, I'm in the kitchen."

Ria quickly appeared, a look of horror on her face. "Reese, have you fallen into a depression that I don't know about?" She looked genuinely concerned.

"No you dick, i just never got round to doing them." Ria sent me a smirk, I felt a cocky remark coming my way. "Too busy doing something else on face time huh?" Instead of defending myself I played along, mirroring her smirk I nodded my head. "Dirty bitch." Ria rolled up her sleeves and began washing my dishes as I finished separating darks to lights.

"What did I do to deserve your presence this morning?" I pulled out two mugs and started the coffee machine, Ria threw her body on to one of the dining chairs and began playing with her hoodie strings. "I was bored." Rude. "So you're using me to cure your boredom?" Ria proudly nodded as she grabbed an apple from my fruit bowl.

"Don't complain, I did your dishes." True. Very true. I placed two coffees down, and joined her at the dining table. "It's not stopped fucking raining." Ria was a summer person, whilst I preferred cosy weather. That was probably the only thing we disagreed on. "And I fucking love it." I chirped, wearing an evil smile.

"Anyway, going back to Billie how come you two aren't loved up on face time this morning?" She swung back and forth on her chair. "She went to a party last night, I think she's sleeping." Ria raised both her brows, expecting me to be psycho. "I don't care you know, I trust her." The Apple that Ria earlier bit into flew across my face, landing into the bin perfectly. "Mushy." I crossed my arms knowing damn well Ria was soft as fuck around Josh. "Shut up."

Ria ended up staying at mine for hours, she treats it as her own house. I don't care, when we were growing up Ria pretty much lived here. My parents loved her.

I ran upstairs for a shower whilst Ria enjoyed what looked like a much needed nap on my sofa. I did begin to worry about Billie a little considering it was now four pm, but she did say three which was only an hour ago. Remain calm Reese. Remain calm.

"I ordered pizza." Ria yelled up the stairs, I ran down and joined her on the sofa. Soon enough pizza arrived and we tucked in over an episode of friends.

"Stop worrying." I gave her a defensive stare, "I'm not worrying." She laughed knowing damn well I was lying. "Yes you are, stop worrying." I rested my head into her chest. I was worrying. It was now half five. I didn't want to call her just incase she's sleeping, but I couldn't keep the patience up for long.

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