Chapter 1 - Young and Stupid

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I feel my cheek get hot as I take a few seconds to realise I was just punched in the face.

I narrow my eyes at the chestnut haired girl that I loathed since the day I first laid eyes on her. A grin is plastered onto her face that just demands to be turned blue and purple with bruises.

"Not your day, huh Spencer?" She mocks.

I kick her in the stomach making her lean forwards a bit before tackling her down to the ground and sending heavy punches repeatedly.

"Woah, woah! Lexie!" Shouts a voice that belongs to my brother as I'm pulled off her. I can see another pack member is pulling the furious Bethany in the other direction too.

"This is training, not World War Three." Comments Tyler.

Me and Tyler have the best sister-brother realtionship anyone could imagine. Sure, we argue but he's one of, if not the closest person to me. When I was 6 he used to play with me with my Barbie dolls even though he would much rather be playing a video game or always take me out by the lake when our parents had Alpha duties.

I try to get out of Tyler's grasp to finish off the bitch but Tyler holds onto me as if I was his last chance of survival.

"What's gone between you two now?" He asks. You can hear the tiredness in his voice because this isn't the first time Beathany Evans nearly got a funeral arranged and I put in an Asylum. Obviously not literally, don't think I'm some mental person.

"Lexie takes training to a whole new level." Says Bethany with the weak voice that's left in her yet how is it possible that you can still hear the tone she uses to irritate me.

Tyler narrows his eyes a little at her. "She doesn't do this for nothing, Bethany. I already spoke to you about disrespecting the ones that if you remember are actually above you. You two may be on eachother's bad sides but in the end you have to remember who you're speaking to."

I see Bathany's smug face drop at my brother's words. Today, she didn't do much except the usual: pushing it until I snap. Tyler wouldn't usually say something like this to her but he's also aware of the things she does do which are indeed disrespecting me.

I feel like if I don't get out of there I will literally kill somebody so I manage to get out of my brother's grasp and storm out the opposite direction to the pack house. I run up to the top floor and into my room as I slam the door shut.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My make-up is slightly smudged under my left eye from the small fight I had and I feel sweaty from the training.

I decide to have a shower so I strip from my clothes and stand under the running hot water for half an hour. Then I wash my body and turn the water off and get out, drying myself with a towl.

I've had a terrible past three days. Parent drama, school, Bethany... Everything just adds up.

I walk into my room and start brushing my wet hair.

"Hows my favourite girl doing?" Asks Lewis as his head pops through my door.

"I could have been changing right now. You didn't knock." I tell him. I'm currently only in a towel so I might as well have been.

"Then in that case I will check up on you more often without knocking." He says with a huge grin. I take the nearest shoe I can find and throw it, aiming at his face. Lewis is the pack's Beta. He's also my best friend and I've known him since forever because his parents already belonged to the Spencer pack when he was born.

"You perv." I tell him. He laughs at me. His hair is a darker shade of blonde, similar to mine and his eyes are practically the same colour as mine too. People mistake us for siblings because we act like them too. Our parents are best friends too.

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