Chapter 14 - Remember Me

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*Josh's POV*

"Josh, you have to come." Says Tyler after visiting Lexie.

"Is she awake?" I ask, eagerly.

"Just go and see her." He tells me. I instantly stand up and sprint down a staircase and into her room. The door was locked, which worries me. Why did Tyler lock her in?

Tyler leads the way and opens the door. He walks in first, frowning and looking around. "Where-" He's cut off by a loud whack sound and before I know it, he's laying on the floor.

I walk in, grabbing the hair spray bottle from Lexie before she can hit me too and I wrap her into my arms, tightly so she doesn't move. She struggles until I hear her inhale my scent. This calms her a bit. I then bring my hand behind her head, pressing her to my chest so she doesn't have a chance to move and can just carry on breathing my scent in until she calms down completely.

This takes around a minute. After that time, when she's not moving anymore but breathing heavily, I slowly loosen my grip on her head and her body. I still hold onto her arms as she looks at me.

"Let me go." She speaks.

"What?" I ask.

"Let me go! Who are you people?!" She starts struggling again and I'm finding it hard to control her, she's only slightly weaker than me.

I look at her in disbelief. Memory loss?

Dad, come to Lexie's room right away, I mindlink him.

"Hey, calm down." I say, now wrapping her whole body in one arm so I have one hand free. I use it to touch her neck, where the mark is. This calms her completely but she shivers at my touch which really turn me on. I shake the thought off, she doesn't seem to know who I even am.

The door opens and my father walks in.

"She's awake!" He says, smiling. Then he frowns at the sight of Tyler's body, laying on the floor.

"What's happening to her?" I ask him and as if on cue, Lexie starts struggling again.

"Let me go!" She screams. Then she starts kicking.

"Calm her so I can find out, son." He says. I tightly wrap her into my arms again and lean down to her neck, kissing the mark. I have to hold her up because her legs go weak at that. She tangles some of my hair with her fingers as I kiss it.

"Good, sit her down." Now orders my dad. I forget he's in the room so I quickly take my lips of her neck and walk her over to the bed, slightly embarassed. I sit her on my lap, caressing her neck as I let the doctor do his job. She struggles a bit when he shines a torch at her eyes but still remains quite calm.

"What's your name?" He asks her.

"Lexie Spencer." She mumbles.

"How old are you?" He asks her again.

She takes a moment to think. "21."

"What pack do you come from?" He asks her.

"The Spencer Pack. My father's pack." She replies almost instantly.

"What is your father's name?"

"He's dead so it doesn't matter." She snaps, now getting off my lap and I let her. The room is locked anyway.

"Okay, Lexie. Who am I?" He asks her yet another question as Lexie seems to be interested in some books on a shelf.

"You're..." She trails.

"Easier question, who is he?" My father now asks, pointing to me.

Her face remains blank.

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