Chapter 16 - A Mess

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*Some innapropriate content included in this chapter*

*Josh's POV*

"Then find her." I say, getting angry with Will. I walk around the office, not knowing how to calm my wolf. If my mate was here, then that's all I would need.

It's been six days since Lexie left and every day has been more unbearable. I'm now angered by any little mistake my 2nd, 3rd and 4th and command make and even I noticed how my pack members have been avoiding me recently.

I want to see Lexie and I want to see my daughter. I need Lexie to stand in my office and let me kiss her. I need her to be with me! And she is, I'm going to have her back whatever it takes.

"The witch you're looking for doesn't want to be found, Alpha." Says Will.

I turn to the window, covering my face with my hands, then sliding them up through my hair, yanking on it in frustration. Lexie always pulled my hair when I kissed her mark.

I take whatever is at reach from the desk and throw it at the wall, making it shatter into many pieces. Everything I do, reminds me of my mate! It landed close to Will and he dodged it.

"God damn it! I need her!" I shout as I destroy more things. Will gives me a weary look, not really knowing what to do. Then he looks like he realised something but I can tell he got a message through mindlink.

"They found her." He tells me and I'm about to run down but instead there's a knock on my office door and two of my men are escorting a young looking girl. She's glaring at me, crossing her arms. Her hair is black and medium length in beachy waves and her eyes are jet black.

"You're the witch that's friends with Bethany Evans? Terry?" I ask her.

"Yes..." She says, slowly.

"I need your help." I tell her. She looks away, chuckling, disrespectively. I growl at her which makes her stop and turn serious again. She's a young witch which tells me she doesn't have much experience. She's probably not too dangerous.

"Why would I help you?" She asks.

"Because I have something you want." I reply. She frowns at me.

I swiftly take the blue stone in between my fingers and show it to her. Her facial expression changes completely and she now looks intrigued but cautious.

"You wouldn't give me the moon stone." She says, confidently, after a while.

"Why would I not?" I ask her, challengingly.

"Because every Alpha has only one. It's too prescious. You wouldn't be able to pass it onto future generations." She replies.

The moonstone is a stone witches want. It's something that allows them to practice more spells and gets their magic stronger. They belong to werewolves and are more simbolic rather than having any use. Witches are desperate for them though.

She sighs. "What do you want?"

I smile, holding onto the stone tighter. "Really not much. I need you to answer my question, honestly." I tell her. She looks at me, curiously.

I begin speaking again. "Did Bethany ask you to do anything magic related to mess with my feelings for her?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

She looks like she'd seen a ghost. Her face has gone more pale and she's pressing her lips together.

I exhale deeply. "Terry... I know that you're fully aware of how mate bonds work. I think Bethany for some reason messed with dark magic provided by you, making a 'mate connection' of some sort. Bethany doesn't and never did attract me like a mate was supposed to. I thought it was because I hated her for contributing in my brother's death but that's not it. She's not my mate. I found my actual mate but now she can't live with the fact Bethany was once my 'mate' which I believe isn't true. I know there's good in you, you just have to want to make things right. I will forgive you." I tell her.

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