Chapter 29 - Always and Forever

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YET ANOTHER UPDATE TODAY BECAUSE I JUST LITERALLY CANNOT... Ah I'm waaaay too excited to finish this story to wait till the next updates.
Three chapters uploaded in less than 24 hours? This must be a record!

You guys are gona looove this chapter I feel...

"Goodbye, Lexie." Says Lewis as he walks out my door.

"Goodbye, Lewis." I whisper, knowing he won't hear me now.

Gathering some strength, I push myself up into a sitting position. This was easier when I first remembered Josh was injured and I shot straight up. Then I swing my legs off the bed and start walking in the direction of the door. I only now notice I'm dressed in a long night gown. I don't even want to know how my body looks like after this whole thing.

I open the door and can't help but look around to see whether Lewis was anywhere around. Even though I used to have feelings for him, it all changed when I found Josh. That's understandable. I love Josh and he's the only guy that matters. Lewis will find his real mate eventually.

I walk along the corridor to where I smell Josh and my senses prove to be fully functional because when I open the door, I see my mate. The corridors are filled with people that seem to be nurses, going in and out of rooms.

There are two nurses in Josh's room. They seem to ignore my enterance so I take that as my cue to be allowed to sit by Josh. I find a space on the bed and rest on it, looking at him sleeping peacefully. Lewis said he's going to be okay. He's going to be fine.

I slowly lower myself so that I can kiss him on the cheek. It's still rough from not shaving.

This seems to wake him because his eyelids flinch a bit and then he moves his hand. "Josh?" I ask, quietly.

His eyelids lift to reveal his dark eyes. He blinks a few times and then looks at me. "H-" I'm about to greet him to the world of consciousness but he pulls me towards him so that I kiss him.

How I missed this...

After he pulls away, he still holds onto my neck, hugging me. I decide to climb into the bed next to him on top of the covers and we just lay there cuddled together. I think we both end up falling asleep because I'm woken up by Thomas. He's smiling at us.

"I came as soon as I could. I know it took a few days." He tells us. Have I mentioned he was away at the most crucial moment?

"Do you know if Josh will be okay?" I ask him, sitting up.

"He'll be fine. And I heard somebody else will be too." He adds with an even wider smile, gesturing at my stomach. I have no clue how he knows. Josh probably told him.

"The baby is okay?" Asks Josh, his voice is sleepy. I nod at him and he answers with a huge grin.

Josh was told he has to take it easy but he doesn't have to lay in bed. He just has to come back for regular bandage changes and so do I.

We decide to take a walk through the forest to get some fresh air and talk. What is a relationship without often conversations, right?

The walk is slow because we're both weak. A few trees and things are destroyed from the fight but the whole thing looks a lot better than expected. Josh wraps his arm around my waist and at this point I start to feel guilt. I didn't kiss Lewis, he kissed me so why do I feel like I could have prevented it?

"What are you thinking about?" Asks Josh. I escape my trance.

"Oh, nothing." I lie. Josh just smiles at me.

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