Chapter 6 - The Truth

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Even though Josh is doing a good job hiding his pain, I can tell it's an answer he didn't want to hear. He takes his time to overthink what I just told him and then walks over to where Darcy is surprisingly still sleeping.

He watches her for a while and for some reason I feel overprotective and feel like he's capable of hurting her. I watch closely his every move but he's still standing there doing nothing.

"You know, for some reason I really like her... It makes me happy to see her smile." He says.

Even though I feel guilty, it's best if he doesn't know that Darcy is his. It will be best for both of them.

"What just happened doesn't change anything." I speak up, changing the subject. He looks at me, slightly confused.

"I can't stay here."

He scoffs which I'm actually quite surprised about.

"Keep telling yourself that. And you know what? Go ahead. Leave for all I care. The pack isn't short of girls that would do anything to sleep with me!" He shouts.

I feel pain in my chest that's building up as I realise even more that it was a bad idea to come here. It was a bad idea to let him take us to his pack. Why didn't I fight instead?

"Get out." I say, through gritted teeth. My voice holds power and rage.

He doesn't take long to turn away and slam my door loudly, causing me to flinch. I close my eyes for a few seconds and take deep breaths.

"Mummy?" Asks a voice that belongs to Darcy. She woke up... I'm surprised she didn't earlier. She's a heavy sleeper. It's a bad trait of a wolf.

I walk over to her and sit down next to her on the bed.

"It's okay. Just go back to sleep. It's late." I tell her. She rubs her eyes before resting her head on my lap. I stroke through her hair until she falls asleep again before sneaking out the room to the one next to me.

I knock softly on the door and I see Lewis' head. His hair is very messy, as if he's been laying down the whole time and he's only wearing pants. I frown at him but quickly hug him right after. He immediately hugs me back and I decide it's best if we walk into the room in case somebody got the wrong idea... Not that I would care anyway.

"What's the matter? I heard shouting." He says.

"Why didn't you come for dinner?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"I didn't think you'd want to go..."

"I didn't... I practically got forced to." I reply. He nods at me. I can't help but notice his defined body.

"Yeah, you keep looking, darling. Something you don't see every day." He comments and I laugh, shaking my head.

"Why are you just wearing underwear?" I ask afterwards.

"Comfort. Lexie... There's something you're not telling me." He says. I look down... I should probably tell him... He's my best friend, we even lived together.

He pulls my chin up lightly so I look at him. I take a deep breath.

"Lewis... Remember the night before the attack, when I snook out to that club?" I ask. He nods, intrigued.

"Well..." I carry on. "I was drunk... Very drunk and I got pregnant... With Joshua."

There's a pregnancy pause and I'm getting worried how he'd react but he just waits for me to carry on.

"But that's not all... It turns out he's also my mate." I finish, feeling terrible and ashamed of the whole situation.

Lewis' face expression shows shock and it doesn't seem like he wants to believe me but have I ever lied to him? Not even when I stood on his favourite toy tractor when we were 5 and the driver got crushed. He didn't forgive me for a long time after that one.

"Darcy... She's the Alpha of this pack's daughter?" He asks.

I bite my lip and nod. Tears are threatening to fall and I see Lewis being dissapointed in me which crushes me... I feel like that tractor driver.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I leave his room. A part of me hoped he would grab my arm to stop me and hug me, telling me everything will be okay just like he always does.

But he doesn't. But why? Have I really done something that bad? Is it my fault fate gave me a dick for a mate? I didn't tell Lewis about the last part, about Josh telling me he has other girls to sleep with, because I didn't want to be more selfish than I appear to be already.

The only good thing about this was finding my brother which I'm still very angry at anyway. The way he joined a pack and gave up on looking for me. I mean, maybe after 5 years I would give up too... All I know is that I'm definitely not staying here.

I daze out the window. The view is a beautiful, huge garden and even though it's pitch black, I can make out a training session going on. They're probably learning to fight in darkness. They don't seem to be doing a very good job.

Maybe I should leave, or maybe I just have unfinished business to take care of.

That's right. Lexie Louise Spencer is not going anywhere.

Aaaargh! Such a short chapter! I know! I just wanted to end it here.
Thank you for nearly 500 reads, so many votes and a few comments! You don't realise how much this means to me!
Next update coming soon!

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