18: Eighty Eight

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The servant clawed into Ning jie's hand stretching and tearing his skin, instead of retaliating Ning jie just dumps her deeper.

Jianyu was ready to get up when Xi Xi and Yanlin stopped him,

"Not now young master"

"Imperial mother is very angry"

Soon when the body stop moving, Ning jie raised the person in the air she was still breathing good, he had Jin hand him a potion then stuffed down her throat and threw her to the ground.

The concubine flinched when Ning jie's attention turned to her, immediately she falls to floors begging.

"Please your imperial majesty spare this concubine please"

Ning jie said nothing and looked down at her,


That was all that came Ning jie's mouth everyone in the area looked at each other puzzled.


"What's 88?"

The consorts chat amongst each other,

"Older Brother what's 88"

"I don't know um Xi Xi"

The heavenly lion shake he too did not know what the empress was referring to.

"88?" The concubine questions in terror

"88" Ning jie answered

Everyone was puzzled what's 88 about it's a number yes but what was it referring to Jin knew what he was referring to and he knew the fact that the concubine's ignorance only anger Ning jie a lot more.

"88 that's the amount of deep scar wounds I found on Wei Jianyu's body those where the number of deep ones and the shallow ones where plenty" Ning jie said,

The concubine's hand trembled uncontrollably she no longer could keep still

"5 years old he was no where near 6 and you beat him so mercilessly and you wanted this empress to show you mercy when you couldn't show a child an innocent infant that was only trying to protect his mom mercy should I give you mercy?" Ning jie asked.

Even though Jianyu's skin was clear white and flawless now it didn't change the fact that when Ning jie first saw the child after waking up, made his heart hurt with anger and tears Ning jie was not a good mother he wasn't a good mother to make his child get bullied like this.

The concubine held his hanfu

"Please please I begged you"

Ning jie was disgusted and angry he kicked the concubine in her face dismembered her chin.

"Get me hot melting steal hold that bitch down" the empress yelled

"No! Don't touch me do you know who I am I'm the emperor's concubine touch and he will kill you and your family"

The concubine bluffs.

Everyone knew the truth in the harem the only one with the true say was the empress and the emperor did not care, he didn't even bother to visit them none of them has been touched and because of the terrifying authority of the empress no consort dared to scheme or cost trouble people said that this emperor's harem was the most tranquil of all time and it was all thanks to the demoness they called empress.

They all held her down as she struggled Ning jie hold the burning hot steel that almost seems as if it was melting.

"Mom's hand is hurting"

"Don't worry young master my master is well trained and can resist pain this is just a small matter for him he will be fine" Xi Xi said proudly.

"Little brother you should cover your ears I'll cover your eyes this will not be pleasant for you to witness" Yanlin said

He covered the eyes of his baby brother as he cover his ears.

Ning jie hit her with the hot steal she screamed so hard it sounds as though her vocal cords has snapped the the heat from the steal burned threw her clothes revealing her beautiful but that now had a burn mark across it, Ning jie hit it again she didn't fail to scream harder and with each hit her screaming has yet to came down, her blood was splashing everywhere on the ground as the nanny witnesses this in terror Yanlin could only protect younger from seeing this gruesome sight he knew his imperial mother wouldn't want Jianyu to see this but is too blinded by anger to send him away so he be the better person and hide it.

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