84: The Ancient Dragon And First Ger

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Lei Qian Fei sits on the top of the tree looking down at Ning jie who just finished cultivating or rather he was distracted and so he had to stop.

"Troublesome one, what seems to bother you?" Lei Qian Fei asks

Ning Jie then thinks and smiles proudly. "Master, have you ever been in love?" 

Lei Qian Fei opens his eyes and jumps down, "it appears you're at that point in your life, I guess it would be soon since my time and your time is quite different" Lei Qian Fei said. 


"No, I've never technically been in love but I've witnessed it many times," the great fox adds.

Ning sighs, "so you won't be of much help, but since you're a great heavenly fox I thought you'd have wisdom on such a topic". 

"I wouldn't call it wisdom, for what I witnessed can be genuine or can be quite painful. Love is something I fear because a simple impact from the wrong being could be detrimental" he said. 


"Love can turn to hate so quickly, happiness to anger, joy into pain. Love is but a dangerous essence if the wrong person finds it, it turns into obsession. I had a friend once, silly he was, found Love with a male human before the existence of Ger". 

"Huh?" Ning Jie asks confused, "before?"

"Hmp, I guess it's time I tell you a story of the first Ger, Bai Feng Ge" 

The master hops down and sits in front of Ning Jie. 

"There once was a time were the four realms lived in harmony before the time humans could cultivate then one day one curious and careless dragon visited the human realm and met the human Bai Fengge, some call it coincidence some call fate call it what you must but the two of them met and formed a friendship. I do not know the details of the story but I know Bai Feng Ge was an incredible human and a kind one too, his intelligence surpassed human bonds. Bai Feng Ge craved the knowledge of the heavens and the dragon didn't hesitate to give and from that knowledge Bai Feng Ge created human cultivation, mastering it and making many different forms of it a human worth praise and admiration–".

"Shizun you still haven't gotten to the love story!" Ning Jie scolds.

"Hm! Impatient child!" Lei Qian Fei sighs but then smiles, "the dragon, finding his friend's actions admirable, decided to take him to the heavenly to teach him more about their way of living. Bai Feng Ge follows along unbeknownst of the feelings he holds for the dragon is for beyond that of friends, the dragon had brought the human gloating him to all, I remember it quite so vividly smiles of that man heh, clearly something great. Venturing around the Tian, introducing the little cubs even to the great imperial. Before we know it many humans started to arrive birthing a new era" 

"Hmm, when do they fall in love!" Ning Jie asks impatiently. 

"Who knows, those closet couples barely reveal anything. But I did catch them once in the spring lake… oh my longevity lake. As I believe it was during a time in the human realm, feelings could not be ignored and temptations were high and so they made love. They face many prejudices but they are stuck by each other through thick and thin inseparable, you'd think the happy moments last forever until…" 

"Shizun you suck at telling stories" 

"Now listen here you literally twat, I'll bury you alive and have spectres play with you." Lei Qian Fei threatens.

Ning Jie went silent and listened. Lei Qian Fei breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Until the dark arts practices, somewhere in the midst of harmony another human turned what was meant to protect into something that does harm. Creating malice and prejudice between the four realms not even the demons brought forth such destruction and hatred eventually it gotten so much war broke out taking billions of lives from each realm, it was only until the great dragon emperor set aside his prejudice coming together to fight off these dark cultivators for thousands of years this battle went of with the unseen end until finally. After much pain, suffering and losses the great evil was destroyed and a new problem arose, most realms were on the brink of extinction.

All three realms blamed the humans for it, it was only Bai Feng Ge who stood against them protecting his home realm because of love the dragon stood by his side willing to fight beside his lover against the three realms. That was what Bai Feng Ge meant to the dragon, to love selfishly to stay together he would go against the world but sadly it wasn't meant to be. To end the malice directed at humans Bai Feng Ge offered himself" 


"Bai Feng Ge for being the first person to ascend and being able to cultivate many different things had the ability birther of kind, this ability allows him to carry a child in his body despite being a male. This had shook everyone the entire heavens of course everyone was sceptical at first but the great emperor then came up with a way to solve this problem," 


"With the sacrifice of his and the life of Bai Feng Ge"

Ning Jie's eyes widened, "you told me stories of the great heavenly emperor before, is that how he left the heavens?" 

"Yes, Bai Feng Ge in order to save his realm and return peace made a deal with the great heavenly emperor to ensure the prosperity of the human realm in exchange for his existence." 

Ning Jie was surprised, "wow" 

"Indeed, all agreed to this arrangement, all except one the ancient dragon. Angered he refused adamantly but even so the two didn't waver in their agreement, the ancient dragon fought and in order to stop him the great emperor put a special shackle on him." 

"Huh a shackle?" 

"It's part of the agreement you could say, whenever a heavenly, fairy of demonic being visits the earthly realm they will be shackle and their powers will weaken, the stronger you are the stronger the shackle break it and it causes immense pain and might damage your cultivation it depends but I know it's not something pleasant. But the ancient dragon shackle is special the risk could not be taken with him, even in heaven he was shackle and if he should visit the earthly realm another shackle is added" 

"T-thats two different heavenly shackle! Just how dangerous is this dragon?!" 

"Very dangerous and with his emotions all over the place deadly, to cut a long story short the great dragon had to sacrifice the soul of his lover and take the life of the great heavenly emperor. This lead to the dragon to hold a deep routed grudge against human, love turn to have joy turn to suffering and so he went on a rampage… but because of the two shackles he suffered greatly. That was the first time I saw my friend so weak and helpless" Lei Qian Fei heaves a sad sigh. 

"Well, I'd kill everyone too, to spite my lover," 

Lei Qian Fei was speechless, what kind of disciple is this? 

"You just hope that you never end in a situation where you're so devastated you hate your lover, are you might end up like Ge Er lover" the fox master smiles, "now get back to cultivating before I hang you upside down".

The master jumps back on the branch wrapped around with his tail and sleep. Ning Jie sighs, then set in lotus position then start cultivating.

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