24: Suppressing cultivation

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The emperor was lamenting on the bittersweet past back to when Jie'er was just blissful fairy he was so happy and cheerful back then but the emperor had betrayed him in the worse way possible that he should never be forgotten.

"Empress" he said slowly

Jie'er turned around seeing the emperor their he got up and both bow.

"You said you wouldn't bow anymore" he said

"How could I not bow and show respect towards the emperor" Jie'er said coldly

The emperor was sad his expression and aura betrayed not letting him expresses his feelings to Ning jie.

"There...... is ...no need for that" he said

The young prince hid behind his mother the emperor looked down and tilt his head his a lot cuter that when he was baby he wondered what life he was living from time to time but never visited after all it'll be rude to barged in ones place unwanted.

For example right now he was highly unwanted even though he'd like to stay with Jie'er longer he must make it quick and go so as to not bother Jie'er with his Grace's.

"Empress C-can check your cultivation root" he said politely.

Jie'er reflected discomfort why did the emperor wanted to check his cultivation root what was planning to destroy it honestly speaking if he wanted to destroy it he could have with free will since his cultivation was way higher than his why did he need to or is this related to him poisoning him.

"May I asked why? Your imperial majesty" he asked suspiciously

"Um duo cultivation why do we try it since we haven't in 5 years" he said

He dodged his question Ning jie was obviously upset he stand abruptly.

"Why suggest something like that now! Since we got married and became 1 we've only done it once" Ning jie said hurted "am I not good enough to embrace like your true love Ning Yuan" Ning jie said very upset.

He was ready to yelled

"Jianyu" the emperor said quickly

Ning jie looked down at Jianyu who was upset Ning jie turned around and lifted his son to return to palace.

"Please your imperial majesty return"

Jianyu wave goodbye to the emperor from Ning jie's shoulder the emperor wave to him as well.

The emperor turned around leaving not before looking back once again and whispering.

"I'm sorry"

Then leaving the emperor did not love Yuan his ideals towards Yuan was that of a little sister he thought that since Ning jie was his wife that would make him Yuan elder brother but Yuan didn't feel that way she told him she would stop pursuing him but tricked him, he wants to tell wants to tell Ning jie this but he doesn't feel the right to justify his actions since what he did was unforgivable he didn't deserve to touch Ning jie tenderly and make sweet love to him when he done so with another.

It was in the night and Ning jie was sound asleep he was very exhausted and wanted rest so he easily fell into slumber the emperor sneaked quietly slide open the window and walked in seeing Ning jie peacefully sound asleep made him happy yet he couldn't express that he pushed 2 of his fingers gently over Ning jie's forehead when Jianyu walked in.

The emperor quickly looked and saw him then he smiled.

"Are you going to heal mommy again?" Jianyu smiled

The emperor nods then his fingers glow as he tries to suppress Ning jie's suppressed injured medication he began to sweat profusely Ning jie's injuries where getting harder and harder to suppress whatever cultivation Yuan studied was very powerful.

The emperor soon finished doing it then staggered back and dropped to his knees then coughed blood.


He went to help the emperor the emperor use his finger to suggest to Jianyu to be quiet or he might wake Ning jie.


He kept his mouth covered he then turned to Jianyu and held his shoulder.

"Don't say anything to your mother this must be kept a secret"

The emperor intertwine his pinky with Jianyu then left quickly and quietly Jianyu went to the window to express deep sorrow.

"But Jianyu is worried about father"

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