90: Scheme of the broken hearted

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Ning Yuan's delicate heart was broken but what else could she do? 

The person whom she loves doesn't feel the same, strolling down to the garden she hears shuffles. 

"Wait! Wait! Your imperial majesty! Ag!" 

Feeling panic and not ready to face the emperor she hid behind a tree, her heart beating fast and breath breathing rapidly. 

Ning Jie tries to untangle his hand ready to run but as he uses the other hand to untangle it was wrapped into one then the emperor drags him closer. "Behave" 

Ning Jie smirks seductively, "behave but I'm not doing anything?" 

The emperor bites his lips picking up the silly and shameless ger in his arms.

"Don't be so bashful, your imperial majesty Gege doesn't bite...... much... you should go play with him." Ning jie utters while slowly parting his lips.

But seeing the emperor not wavering at his will, he begins to wiggle.

"Let me go! So unfair you always tie me up! Oh how very naughty your imperial majesty tying me up like this. Don't tell me?! you want to take away my maiden hood?!" Ning jie exaggerated, "but I'm not even married! How Promiscuous! My father will hang me by a cotton tree while beating with a pig's whip!" 

"Quiet," the emperor scolds him,not being able to tolerate his vulgar vocabulary.

"Are you going to carry me to the bedroom and strip me naked and water my flower? Who would have thought the new emperor was so dirty minded!!" Ning jie scolds him, "tsk, tsk how shameful!" 

The emperor wanted to shut him up. Ning jie's eyes wandered until he caught a glimpse of the emperor's tinged red ear then smirked happily.

"Oh my! Is this how you're carrying me? Please be gentle with me. It may be troublesome but I don't like pain!" 

The emperor paused, then Ning jie took the chance and wrapped his tied arms around his neck then dragged up to his ears and bit it.

The emperor lose strength in his arms for a while but he immediately regained it back but latched on to Jie'er a bit too tight.


The emperor loosened, careful as to not hurt Ning Jie. Watching from behind the tree Ning Yuan's heart breaks more.

"Yuan, it's time to cultivate".

Her master soon appears in the shadows and looks at his disciple who was gazing off in the distance, sadly; he looked up the direction of her gaze and saw the two couples.

"Master, will never be the one to receive such a gaze from him but I'm happy for them both". Her eyes expressed longing and her smile were sad but still there was sincerity in them. 

"Soon he'll give the Fènghuá ring to him, they'll be happy but still it hurts but I love them both and wish them to be happy together," Yuan eyes ran with tears falling down her cheeks.

The master smiled as if he finally accomplished something. He tilted his head down and went to her ears then rested one of  his hands on top of her shoulder the other was holding on the tree.

"Now why should you do that? why should you be the one to be unhappy?" He asks in a lower yet sinister tone.

"I'm not-" 

"But you are my dearest disciple, you give and give and give but what did you receive in return? pain, heartbreak it's time you be a little selfish and take for once." He whispers.

The man's crimson eyes glowed in delight, as he whispers into the ears on his praise toy 

"But I'm fine, I'll have my happiness as long as I'm patient someone will love me unconditionally just like Gege," she said. 

"But he wasn't patient. He went after what he desired and got it. Why can't you do the same? Why must you be patient? If you want him, take him. You both are siblings, must you not share?" the master inquires.

"Share?! But the emperor doesn't love me, if I were to marry him I won't be loved, I won't be embraced tenderly, I'll always be lonely." Ning Yuan hesitates

"Hmp, simple matter, simple matter, if I was not able to do this much for you, would I be your master? no, it's time I teach you the true prowess of our cultivation". He whispers 

Yuan was taken aback.

"Was I cultivating wrong all along," she inquired looking into his eyes.

"No, but you need something else. This cultivation will make you powerful and before long you'll be well known. Soon everything you want will be yours but first let's start with him eh." The master soon points at the emperor with excitement.

Ning Yuan is hesitant, but the feelings in her heart were too strong to deny and so she wants to give it one last try. 


"Well, hehe come with me for now".

Teleporting themselves to their secret cave, the Master sits Ning Yuan down then out of nowhere a bottle pops up in his have, the bottle had strange paintings on it and was being held previously by the master.

"What's that?" She inquires.

"This is what we call the dragon's daydream, it's a potent drug that once intake will turn a man into a beast in heat," 

"But master the emperor is resistant to such drugs," she informs.

"No, not him. You see, people like Zihao are what this is made for and it doesn't affect people like us much." He informs 

"How are you so sure?"

The master smiles, with an underlying chuckle. "Because I've tried it before, on the highest power to exist it drove him insane as he tries to control the burning passion inside him. Though it was more potent than this but I'm sure this will be enough". 

Ning Yuan feels a little bit afraid then she quietly asks, "why did you do it?" 

"He was arrogant, sitting on that throne looking down on us, on everyone. Ning Yuan there is a story about a dragon and the first ger but there was also the story of an dragon emperor who laughed at their love story." 


"Because he looks down on humans so this rumoured drugged was use on that arrogant emperor and just like a beast he violated his own kin and to mock him a great cultivator added a human," 

Ning Yuan feels chills as she swallows looking at the bottle, "this will only make the emperor lust after me though." 

"That part is just the beginning, the intention is to get pregnant," 


"Sometimes the easiest way for a man is to have his child, we will wait once the union of your brother and him happens then you can take a chance! He will forgive his husband and he can never stay mad at his precious sister right?" The master smiles. 

Ning Yuan thinks deeply, was this worth it? Was the sacrifice worth it? She doesn't know but… just like Ning Jie she wants to take a chance. 

"W-what do I need?" She asks determinedly.

"Hm, well that's a good girl" he darkly compliments, "you'd need the blood of your brother Ning Jie" 


Is anyone starting to understand?

I hope you are please comment let me know.

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