50: Bet

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News of TengFei Xinjiang's challenge spread like wildfires through the empire and TengFei Xinjiang had let the general go not for the sake of sparing him but the fact that war wouldn't be fun.

TengFei Xinjiang had declared war against him and his ancestors keeping Zheng Chi and and his children as hostages.

The emperor declared that this will be a battle of rank if the general lose the war he loses everything and it shall be handed over to TengFei meeting that in this war between family the emperor nor the empress can not interfere which infuriated Jie'er to no end.

"This is madness why did the emperor create such a rule this current emperor is too much" the minister of public works said

"But his far better than the previous emperor and his knowledge and strength is what made this kingdom what it is" the minister of defense said.

Soon the grand council went silent as the emperor enters they all kowtow and said in unison.

"Your imperial majesty"

They all stand when the emperor sit on the throne.

"........ speak"

"Your majesty is it wise to make an stranger challenge the authority of the general after all his a strong part of Feng empire" the minister of defense said.

The emperor said nothing then tilt his head

"..... next"

"Your majesty there is no way I'll allow this" the minister of justice said "hmp I'll personally assist the general to put that stranger in his place" the minister of justice said.

The emperor relaxed and looked at him as if he something interesting he would have smirk if could.

"Interesting let's bet" the emperor said

The room went quiet then everyone looked at each.

"Bet?" The minister of justice asked

"If TengFei Xinjiang wins your place as justice minister will be hand over to him if not count yourself as emperor" he said

The room erupted in whispers how could the emperor make such but the minister wasn't satisfied he wanted what every man wanted he wanted what the emperor has.

"Really does that includes the emperor's harem"

Suddenly the whole palace shake and a huge force shot the minister down to the ground pressuring him the man.

The whole room fell down from the pressuring force but mostly the minister of justice the emperor glared down at him.

"Don't push your look I am still the emperor don't get cocky" he said in a threatening tone.

The emperor raised his finger and swiped it aside the minister raised in the air and was hit in the wall breaking it as he coughed blood the emperor got up from the throne.

"The deal stands but not my empress" he said

The minister looked at him then what's the whole point of the harem except the virgins of the beautiful women everyone got up when the emperor left they looked at the foolish minister.

Meanwhile Zheng Chi was opening his eyes after being unconscious for days he looked at both sides of him to see his 4 children including the ones that was supposed to be at the academy.

Their eyes where red and puffy they must have been crying Zheng Chi brush the face of his first child who was sleeping peacefully.

"That one is quite stubborn it remains of Xiao Zihao" TengFei Xinjiang laughed

Zheng Chi looked at the window to see TengFei Xinjiang sitting at the window drinking licker.

"Hmp human wine is quite delicious but I prefer the demons wine" he said "home doesn't really make the strongest and best wine" he said.

Zheng Chi was puzzled what was he talking about Zheng Chi looked around and saw this was not his home.

"Where am I?" He asked

"I've bought this small place in the city for you to stay until the war is over" he said

"War? what war? I must get home Tang Shen will be angry" he said.

TengFei Xinjiang smiled then looked at him smiling then drink.

"That won't be necessary after all your my hostage"

"Hostage? You don't understand my husband is the general he will"

"Be dead when I'm done one meager human like him is so easy to kill" TengFei Xinjiang grinned in pleasure.

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