Chapter 4 | Lesson Learnt

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"You both..."

Brother changed his face to the one he usually wore.

"Yes, father? Do you need anything?" My brother asked so nonchalantly that my father couldn't say anything more.

"...nothing." Seeing how futile he is against my 24/7 deadpan brother, he turned to reprimand me instead. "Yasu, you don't have to recite everything like a storyteller. I beg you two, please be normal."

Oh, father seems desperate with that last sentence.

"We're normal though?"

"Yeah, what part of us isn't normal?"

Brother and I chimed together, a part of that statement was false but if anything, we're pretty normal. Momo and Haru are the weird ones here.

"Then, you should take part in our daily lives."

Brother flinched, my eyes shook a bit. 

Could it be that father knows..?

"You guys always talk amongst yourself, your mother and I are worried for you both."

Oh, he's just concerned about our personalities.

He sighed, an envied gleam was in his expression. "I would like to take a part of your conversation too, but you both really just look at us as if we'd know nothing about the topic both of you discuss."

My brother stayed silent, but his mouth was slightly open. So were mine.

"I am your father, you know? I also want to know what goes on in your minds sometimes. Both of you matured too quickly, I wonder what really triggered that. If I could converse with the both of you... I thought I could somehow understand what lies in both of you."

I didn't expect my father to be so worried over our constant telepathy.

"I uh," brother stuttered, flustered. "I didn't know adults would be interested in the stuff we talk about..."

I awkwardly scratched my neck and averted my gaze to the floor. "I mean, we're just talking about stuff that could count as nonsense. But if you really wanna hear, then you'd probably perceive us as strange."

"You both are already strange."

"Touche, but like, make it double." Brother nodded, "We are definitely weird. But the stuff we're talking about is kinda uh very shallow to say at least."

"It's fine, really." Father reassured us, but brother wasn't convinced.

"Boy, we're going in for a long ride."

I'll make sure to cover my ears at the weird parts.


"Oh wow," father gaped at us like a dying fish jumping off the bowl, "I can see your point here, Momo does seem like a type of girl who appears as a protagonist."


We couldn't contain our thoughts and agreed. Brother looked relieved and quite happy. I was very pleased by this development.

Father was startled by our sudden exclamation and excitement, so I quickly regained my composure.

I faked a cough and explained, "As brother said, we think we're in a shoujo manga. But... our roles doesn't have that much significance yet. And we're still young, so the plot is still not going through any major scenes." I stopped and looked at my brother. "Wait, since it's confirmed by the cliche trope of a friendzoned childhood friend, it's pretty clear that Haru wouldn't be the end game."

I Think I'm Inside A Shoujo MangaWhere stories live. Discover now