Chapter 26 | Don't Change The Genre!

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The door opened, triggering the chimes that echoed across the room pleasantly.

"Mr. Male Lead?!"


Haru joined suit, "Who???"

No, scratch that, what is Mr. Male Lead doing here?

I felt a headache coming in and I wished I brought some pills. What's up with all these cat enthusiasts appearing left and right!

He looked equally as surprised and then rested his gaze at Momo, who was looking at him with curiosity. His mouth opened slightly, "Momo..."

I gaped at the development.

Damn, it's only been roughly a few weeks and they're already on the first name basis with her???

I doubted more and more that this was a shoujo manga.

What kind of shoujo has development this fast?

If it was the typical shoujo manga, it'd take months! If not months, then years!!

But most importantly....

I looked at Momo intensely, but her gaze was straight to Mr. Male Lead, not even minding my fiery gaze.

I think her ear is a bit red... did they-

"What are you doing here Yamamoto-san?"

I snapped out of my train of thoughts and also looked at him for an answer.

"'s none of your business." He quickly adjusted his cap and turned his back, zipping his jacket till the top and hurriedly hid his backpack backpack, "Excuse me-"

Suspicious, I'd say.

He opened the door again, trying to escape our questioning faces but someone stopped him.

"Young lad, aren't you the worker here?"

The one who stopped him was... brother??? I stared at him solemnly, no longer surprised by his ability to teleport that fast without none of us noticing... is he secretly the main character of a shounen anime or something?

Mr. Male Lead cleared his throat and gulped, "How... did you know?"

"He guessed it right?" all three of us whispered in unison.

What kind of powers does brother has to be able to know that?

Brother chuckled eerily and pushed his glasses as it weirdly shone like any bespectacled anime character would.

Maybe he is a main character in some shounen anime-

"No matter how much you cover it, a cat enthusiast recognize other cat enthusiasts." He mumbled creepily and reached for his shoulder and gripped it, "Your disguise can't deceive me, I can see your limited-edition Kiki's Delivery Service t-shirt..."


How the hell can brother see through his jacket covering the t-shirt?-

Mr. Male Lead gasped quietly and flinched. His eyes became wary as if he's facing the most fearsome villain.

What in the world is happening right now. God please don't tell me the genre changed-

"You... do you perhaps-" He paused and caught his breath before continuing, "-have the same exact design?"

Brother scoffed, and it felt as if I'm watching some sort of intense conversation between the main character and the villain in a movie.

"Of course! What do you take me as? A fake cat enthusiast?" He unzipped his jacket to show his t-shirt proudly, "For your information, I also got their limited-edition necklace!"

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