Chapter 22 | Peace

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As the weeks pass by, the less I interacted with Momo.

Not that we had an argument or any of the kind...

"Momo," Mr. Male Lead said with much arrogance, looking down on me due to his ridiculous height akin to Mount Everest, "Let's go."


Am I perhaps invisible in front of him?

Momo looked at him, troubled. 

She glanced at me, her eyes screaming SOS but I was suddenly blind.

"Uhm sorry, but I promised Yasu to hang out with her this time around."

We did?

I looked at her, confused. But I saw her eyes crying for help so I just nodded.

That face got my non-existent pity come out, truly a heroine's ability to be able to make people have empathy towards her, no?

She bit her lips as she sees Mr. Male Lead's aura slowly turning cold.

"Who gave you that choice?" He said, pricking my ears with bullsh*t. "It wasn't an option, it's an order."

The poor pencil I was holding broke pitifully, making a sound that made Momo flinched at. She looked at me, her smile twitching.

Two people, with an atmosphere that could kill, and Momo sitting in the midst of it.

It was like a rabbit is surrounded by two wolves fighting to take their prey.

I slammed my desk, having none of it.

"Okay listen here you motherfu-"

"Alright, it seems like things are heating up today hm?" 

The voice I didn't want to hear the most appeared, and I glared at him while he gave me a smirk.

Of course it's class rep, who else would try to stop me other than him?

"Don't interrupt me you bit-"

"I didn't expect to see you again Yamamoto-san!"

Also, that's my first time knowing Mr. Male Lead's name. But who cares about that right now? Boldly, class rep pretended to not hear me!


He interjected while I was about to curse like a sailor, and I expect no less from the person who couldn't read the mood.

Or maybe he can, but chooses to deliberately ignore it.

He wrapped his arms casually around Mr. Male Lead's shoulder, receiving a cold glare that I'm 100% sure he ignored.

"Now, Yamamoto-san... would you care to leave these girls alone for a day at least?"

I don't know if I saw it correctly but I think class rep gripped his hand on Mr. Male Lead's shoulder, which was very unlike him to resort to violence.

And yes, I refuse to call any of them by their actual name.

And it's definitely not because I don't know their full name.

"Let me go."

Mr. Male Lead looked at Class rep's unbothered face coldly, his teeth gritting.

"Maybe if you also let Momo go?" Class rep made a funny face while being glared by Mr. Male Lead.


Okay, not going to lie, Mr. Male Lead kinda gives me the creeps with that mean look on his face.

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