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 I land with a hard jolt, getting the wind knocked out of me. For a second, I can't do anything but lay on the floor, gasping for air. Steve and Tony land on my right, while Fury lands on my left.
        "Put on the suit!" Steve exclaims.
        "Yep!" Tony replies, and Steve helps him to his feet. Steve glances down at me as I sit up and then offers a hand, quickly pulling me to my feet. Fury stands as well.
        "Ophelia, the prisoner. Now!" I nod wordlessly before darting down the hallway, heading straight towards the cell. I pass agents sprinting every which direction, each trying to figure out some way to help. I ignore them all.
        By the time I get to the cell door, there aren't any guards left guarding it. I curse under my breath, swiping my card so that the door will open. The entire ship jerks to the side, and I hit the wall hard. I let out a grunt, biting my lip. The cell door opens, and I rush in. Loki is standing in his cell, a devilish smirk on his face. When his eyes meet mine, my insides turn to ice.
        "Ophelia." Something is different when he says my name. It rolls of his tongue smoothly, like all of his words. But my name.... it was cold. Almost... emotionless.
        "Loki." I reply. The ship jerks again, and while I have to fight to keep my balance, Loki barely moves. "Clint? Is he the one that took out the engine?" I ask.
        "He is helpful." Loki replies There's a pause, and then- "As you will be." The words are whispered in my ear, from behind me. My eyes widen, but I don't have any time to react before a hand wraps around my bicep, spinning me around. I let out a gasp when I see him behind me, scepter in hand. How had he gotten ahold of it? It was impossible.
        He pressed the tip of the scepter against my chest, and for a moment, nothing happens. And then my chest is filled with pain. I let out a choked scream as pain overwhelms me, fresh pain hitting me with each beat of my heart. It feels like I'm on fire, and like I'm being torn to pieces at the same time.
        My hand snaps out grasping the scepter and throwing it away from me as hard as I could. That was pretty hard, considering some of the people  I had met. I had accidentally grabbed the blade, slicing my hand open. I didn't care. That pain was nothing compared to what I had just felt. I hit the floor, my legs like jelly as I try and gather my senses. Every part of my mind was scattered. I couldn't think, but only breathe heavily. The pain was gone, but the echo of it was still there, ringing around my brain. 
         I blink slowly, looking down at my hands. My left one was sliced open, while my right was fine. I slowly get to my feet, fighting with every movement. Loki was staring at me, looking confused. Almost concerned. My eyes meet his, and for a second neither of us do anything.
         I used what little telekinesis I could at that moment, throwing him back into the cage. I slam my bleeding hand into the button, shutting it.
        "Ophelia! Thor needs help dealing with the hulk!" Hulk? When had he even been released?
        "I'm on my way." My voice sounds broken. I look dully at Loki. "Stay." I command before turning and walking out the door. I sprint through the hallways, running towards the roars of the Hulk instead of away like every sane agent was doing. A few agents yell at me to run away, but I ignore them. 
        I enter the storage area in time to see the Hulk throw Thor into and through several large crates. My eyes widen as I slow to a stop in the doorway. I hadn't expected the Hulk to be so..... big. "Shit." I curse under my breath. THe Hulk turns towards me. "Double shit." I whisper. His face changes into a snarl, and he roars. He sprints towards me, and for a few moments I'm so stunned that I can't move. 
        He charges closer, and just when I'm realizing I wasn't going to be able to move out of the way, Thor comes crashing through, sending the Hulk flying with a swing of his hammer. Thor glances at me as the Hulk hits a plane and slides back, and I nod at him. We both start running towards the large creature. The Hulk tears off the wing of the plane and hurls it our direction. While Thor decides to slide under it, I launch myself over. I was gaining the strength that I had lost with Loki's scepter back quickly.
        I land, rolling to soften the impact until I'm back on my feet. Thor throws his hammer towards the Hulk, and I sprint past him. The Hulk tries to grab the hammer, and it throws him backwards. He struggles for a moment, trying to pick it up. I don't slow down. "Ophelia!" Thor yells in warning. 
        There was one mutant I hadn't been able to stand. He annoyed me to no end. Still, apparently Scott Summer's mutation was going to come in handy. I shut my eyes, and when I open them again I'm seeing red. The lasers hit the Hulk with a loud eruption, tossing him back even farther. He roars in pain. I blink again, willing the lasers away.
        Thor scoops up his hammer and jumps onto the Hulk's back, wrapping his arms and hammer around the Hulk's neck. The Hulk is fighting to throw him of, and I dart around him, making him angrier. The Hulk jumps up and onto the next floor, successfully throwing Thor off his back. I follow, using telekinesis to lift me through the floor. I get up there as the Hulk tosses Thor through wires, making sparks fly. He tosses a piece of debris to the side. "Hey!" I scream. the Hulk turns towards me. 
        He runs at me faster than I can react, and grabs e, his hand tight around my middle. I gasp in surprise, and he yells in my face. And ten I glance behind the Hulk to see a jet, just in time to watch it open fire. The Hulk turns with me still in his hand. I struggle to get free, but I'm also trying to avoid a stray shot. The Hulk runs and jumps out of the ship, right towards the jet. 
        I scream as he throws me, tossing me into the sky. He needed both hands to grab the jet.
        I tumble through the air, flying without anything to stop me. The wind is ripping at my clothes, my hair whipping and tangling. I watch as the Hulk tears the jet to shreds, and the pilot ejects, his parachute catching him. The Hulk and I are hurting towards the ground, him roaring every step of the way.
        Then I see something strange. The Hulk is... moving through the air, aiming towards something. I follow him, trying not to shout. It was hard to even breathe, going this fast. I finally see what he's hurtling towards, and I smile. Something abandoned.
        It occurs to me then that I was going to hit the ground with a splat if I didn't think of something in the next thirty seconds. The Hulk may be invincible, but I wasn't. Well, I was certainly glad that Colossus existed.
        I let his mutation take over my body, turning every part of my body into metal.
        I close my eyes before I hit the ground.
        I really, really hoped this worked.

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