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I look up as the door opens, blinking in surprise when I see the two guards from my cell. The ones I had beaten up with ease. All of the doctors in the room turn, and none of them look surprised to see the guards. The one I had sucker punched looked like someone had already straightened his nose, while the other had his wrist in a brace. There were three other guards behind them, and I knew they were there for intimidation. 
        "Time to return to your cell." Broken Nose holds up a pair of handcuffs, and I sigh, sliding off the stool I had been sitting on without protest. I knew the more trouble I caused, the more difficult this was going to be. I had already caused enough. to be surprised that they hadn't done anything to me yet. 
        I walk over to the group and hold out my arms, letting them place the cuffs on. They make them tighter than they should be, the metal pinching my skin, but I don't show it. One of the guys I hadn't beaten up grabs my arm roughly, letting the injured two go first. I glance behind me at the scientists, but I only see the woman who had talked to me watch me go with a sad expression. 
        The march down the long hallway begins, and I notice then that the hallway is eerily empty. That observation makes my stomach drop. There was a sinking fear that I knew what was coming next. 
        When the guards slow to a stop in the middle of the hallway, I know I'm right. I know what's coming. 
        The two injured guards turn around, the one with the broken nose attempting a sneer. "You've only been here for a few days, and you've already made mistakes. Time for you to face the consequences." I raise an eyebrow at that, keeping my nonchalant expression steady.
        "What are you going to do then?" I ask. The guard on the other side of me grabs my other arm, and I let out a snort of amusement. "You're so scared of me that I have to be held down while you exact your revenge?"
        "No." Broken Nose hums. "It's just nice to see you look as pathetic as you really are."
        That's when he proceeds to kick me in the stomach. 
        I try to jerk out of the guard's grip before the foot connects, but they hold tight. I double over at the pain, but then the other guard moves forward and grips the back of my head with his good hand. He slams his knee into my nose, the sickening crack echoing through the hall.
        The punches keep coming as I'm held there, unable to stop them.


        "Ophelia? Shit, she looks bad." There's a pause. "She doesn't look like herself either."
        "She was hit with the cure." I groan, the pain and soreness practically all over my body slowly begins to make itself known. "Ophelia?" Kurt's voice sounds hopeful.
        "What...?" I try to open my eyes, but one is swollen shut. A hand lightly lays on my shoulder.
        "I wouldn't move if I were you." I look around until my eyes land on someone who hadn't been in the cells before. 
        "Gambit?" He shoots me a lopsided grin, looking smug even with the collar around his neck. "What are you doing here? How did you get caught?" He shrugs, helping me sit up when I struggle to. 
        "There was this very friendly man who was particularly interested in what I could do. He was also interested in buying me vodka." Gambit explains and I out a laugh that becomes more of a wheeze. "I thought he was trying to make me sloppy at cards. Turns out, he was planning something much worse that I probably should have seen coming."
        "They had to shoot me in the neck with the cure and use Kurt's ability to steal me away, and all it took to get you was vodka?" I reply, and he just nods. "You know how sad that is, right?"
        "My life is sad."
        "All our lives are sad, I don't want to hear it." I try to snap, but I know it doesn't have the same effect when I look so beat up. I turn to Kurt, who is watching from his cell with concern written on his face. "How long have I been out?" 
        "Only an hour or two. They brought Gambit in before you were dragged back in." The other kids look as worried as Kurt. "What happened?" I let out a long breath, but the pain that immediately follows makes me wonder if some of my ribs are broken.
        "They took me to a lab, took my blood, ran some tests..." I trail off, shrugging. "Then the guards proceeded to hold me down and beat the crap out of me." The room goes silent for a moment.
        "I told you that you were causing trouble." Kurt replies quietly. "You can't do anything if you're hurt like this."
        "I've got a plan Kurt." I reply after only a second. "This won't hurt it." Kurt frowns, and I see Gambit glance between us, clearly confused. 
        "I'm sorry, you've got a plan? You've got no powers, and no offense, but they've absolutely got more people than us. You, Kurt, and I may be able to fight without our powers, but the rest of them are just kids." Gambit argues. "You can't risk them."
        "I've got a plan." I repeat. "I won't be risking anyone but myself." Gambit sighs, leaning on the wall. "Did you see anything when you were brought in? Anything that might help us have any inkling as to where we are?" He shakes his head.
        "It was cold, but that's about it." He replies. I nod silently, thinking. Cold mountains wasn't much to go on.
        "You need to rest up if you're going to be doing anything." Kurt comments, still concerned. The door opens, and the guards enter the room, moving towards a cage containing a young boy who hadn't talked since I had gotten there. His eyes dart around the room with worry when his cage opens, and none of us can do a thing as he's pulled out of the room.
        To his credit, he doesn't scream. Doesn't cry.
        I can only hope that the boy is being taken to the lab techs, and not somewhere else. Not somewhere worse.

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