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        My footsteps are nearly silent as I walk through the tower. I knew where I wanted to go, and it wasn't anywhere near the heroes. The computer, Jarvis, had informed me of where their training rooms were, and, after extensive questioning, the computer admitted I'd be allowed to use weapons in their since Stark had never expressly said that I wasn't allowed to.
        I turn into the large training room, stopping when I realize the room isn't empty. Natasha turns, just enough to spot me and frown. She's standing next to a small table filled with an array of throwing knives. My preferred weapon. I glance around the room cursing under my breath when I realize that she has all of the knives next to her. I sigh before moving forward, listening to the thunking noise that the knives make as they hit the target in front of Romanoff. 
        She stops when I come up beside her, head turning and eyes narrowing. I ignore her gaze, picking one of the knives off of the table, examining the blade. I know that Romanoff is waiting for Jarvis to protest, but no noise comes. I turn and throw the knife, watching it sail through the air before it hits the middle of the target. The handle quivers as it settles in the wood.
        "Stark told his computer not to let me near weapons that I would use to hurt anyone with. He said nothing about weapons I might want to train with." I inform Romanoff, not needing to look her direction to know that she's scowling. "I found a loophole. They don't call me the god of mischief and lies for nothing." I grab another knife, my next throw landing it within a centimeter of the last.
        "You can tell when people are lying, right?" Romanoff asks, picking up another knife of her own. She twirls it in her fingers, the simple motion not failing to make her look deadly. 
        "Obviously." I reply dryly, grabbing another knife and focusing on a different target. The knife has barely left my fingers when Natasha's next question comes.
        "Was Cordelia lying?" I turn to Natasha, my eyes narrowing. "When she came around yesterday. Was anything she said a lie?" 
        "Are you not trained to look for liars?" I ask. She nods. "Then why not trust your own instinct?"
        "I was distracted. Just tell me if Cordelia was lying." She replies in a sharp, angry voice. A smirk tugs at the corner of my lip. 
        "Distracted?" I ask, and her scowl grows more prominent as she crosses her arms over her chest. I roll my eyes. "She wasn't lying most of the time, though she wavered at one point. She has been looking for Ophelia for years, but she wasn't telling the truth when she said that her parents didn't know she was here." I pick up another knife, checking the sharpness of the blade. "She has pure intentions, Romanoff. I would've protested Ophelia going to see her this morning if she hadn't." Natasha's lips press into a thin line. "Why were you distracted?" I ask again. "I answered your question, it's only fair that you answer mine." A long breath leaves  her lips.
        "She looks like Ophelia used too." She informs me, and I frown. It's her turn to roll her eyes. "You didn't really think she's looked like that her entire life, right?" She asks. "When she first came to SHIELD, she had the same brown hair and blue eyes thing her sister has going on. She was tanner too, though I've never seen her without her facial scars." She tosses her knife, almost lazily at a new target. "She came back from her first solo mission with the silver hair, and the gold eyes came a few years later. She doesn't like to talk about either of those incidents, funnily enough." I think about how... human Cordelia had looked. She would easily blend into the sea of the same old humans, whereas Ophelia stood out like a light against a black night. 
        "She never did tell me her parents had such a thing for Shakespeare though." Romanoff's voice pulls me from my thoughts. "That was new information."
        "Shakespeare?" I ask, and Natasha gives me a long look.
        "I thought you liked to read?" She replies, and I nod. "Shakespeare the most famous playwright in earth's history. I'm sure Stark has all of the plays somewhere if you're interested. Start with Hamlet. It's the most famous play, and it's where Ophelia's name comes from." I nod slowly. "You might like Hamlet. You know, with the main character being a prince who murders for revenge." I scowl.
        "Was that truly necessary. And I thought we were getting along?" I muse, turning away from her. She snorts. 
        "Cordelia is from the play titled King Lear, and the name Henry, the brother Cordelia mentioned, is probably from the play Henry V." Romanoff finishes. "Read those. Keep yourself busy." 
        "Keep myself busy?" I ask. "Do you not enjoy my company, spider?" She tosses another knife.
        "I'm used to you following Ophelia around like a lost puppy. Speaking of, where is she?" Another knife hits it's target.
        "She's on her.... date with the captain." I inform Natasha. Nat pauses her movements, thinking. 
        "You're jealous." Natasha says after a moment. "That's why you're  in here. To work of your anger, right?"
        "I am not jealous." I hiss, snatching three knives from the table. "That's a ridiculous notion. Why would I be jealous of the Captain?" Natasha smirks. I turn, throwing all three knives in one motion. They each land in the bull's-eye of a separate target, and Natasha and I both look at the quivering knives. 
        "Spar with me." She says after a moment. "Unless you're too scared, trickster god." She's clearly goading me, but I simply shrug.
        "Lead the way, spider." 


        "It's not that funny." Steve informs me, playfully scowling at my attempts to smother my laughter. 
        "It is though. You ran through the window of a bridal shop. You probably scared those poor seamstresses for life!" I snort again, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth.
        "I wasn't used to the serum yet." Steve protests with a chuckle, and I shake my head, taking a bite of the ice cream I was holding.
        "Whatever floats your boat, Stevie. Whatever floats your boat." Steve shakes his head. "To be fair, I've got you beat on the whole, new abilities, embarrassing moments thing." 
        "Oh really?" Steve asks, nudging me with his elbow. I sigh.
        "The first time I had Kitty's powers, the one who can phase through walls?" I remind him, and he nods. "Yeah, well, when I first met her, I didn't know what her powers were. I leaned on a door, fell through, and ended up landing in the basement after falling through two floors." Steve starts to chuckle. "Sh, I didn't know what was going on." 
        "I didn't either." Steve protests.
        "I've got you beat." I reply. "You signed up for yours." He sighs as we walk up the steps of Stark Tower. 
        "Fine, fine. You won." He replies as he opens the door for me. I smile at him. "But, did I win a second date?" I raise an eyebrow at that, a little surprised.
        "Smooth transition Captain." I comment with a small smile. "But I kind of have to ask."
        "'What?" He asks curiously. We're the only people walking through the lobby.
        "Why did you ask me out in the first place?" I ask, and he looks at me with surprise. 
        "Because I like you?" he replies, confused. 
        "It was just so sudden." I point out, and he hesitates, nodding. 
        "The last time I had feelings for someone, I kissed her minutes before I flew a plane into the ocean for a seventy year nap." He informs me. "I liked her for months, and didn't act on it." 
        "Ah." I murmur. Steve hits the up button for the elevator. "You make quite a bit of sense." I glance up at the tall blonde. "You did win a second date, if that helps." He smiles. 
        "It does."

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