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   "You didn't have to come home, Clint." I call out as Clint descends from the back of the jet. He's got a duffle bag over his shoulder, and is wearing his casual clothes. I was actually a little surprised that he hadn't thrown on the uniform to help the fake mission a little more.
        "It's too bad, I'm here." I wait for Clint to set his bag on the ground before I wrap him in a large hug. "How are you doing?"
        "I'm more frustrated than anything. Upset too. I'm not going to lie and tell you everything is fine and dandy when I know that Nat has already told you different." I reply after a moment. Clint picks up the duffle he had dropped, throwing the strap over his shoulder. "I just... Am I even supposed to feel this upset? They kicked me out, and now I'm upset that they're paying for all the terrible things they've done?" I shake my head, annoyed with myself as the two of us continue walking through the tower.
        "You're frustrated because you're human." Clint chuckles, and I look over, raising an eyebrow. "Look, I get it. You're an all powerful mutant that we should all fear."
        "You got that right." I mutter, looking down at the floor.
        "But you're still human." Clint continues, ignoring my comment. "Those people raised you, and whatever you want to believe, they're your family." He hesitates. "They're your biological family anyway. It's natural for you to have feelings when it comes to them, no matter how little sense it makes." I let out a  long breath, nodding. 
        "You know what would make me feel better before we talk?" I ask, and Clint raises an eyebrow. "Pictures of my favorite two kids." Clint smiles, pulling his phone out of his pocket. 
        "I finished the treehouse while I was there, and I have this picture of the two of them practically hanging out the window." 
        Clint spends the rest of the walk to his room showing me different pictures of Cooper and Lila. I can't help smile at the two adorable kids on the screen. 
        "By the way, Nat also told me about something that happened apparently immediately after I left." Clint informs me. "Loki? Really?" 
        "I'm going to make you two talk." I reply.
        "I had figured that much out for myself." Clint informs me, and I shrug, not really sorry for forcing the conversation on them. "I just... I don't get it. I don't understand what you see in him. I don't really understand why Nat's befriended him either." Clint scowls, turning into the kitchen. 
        "He isn't who you think." I reply. "After you left, I tore into him. I told him he couldn't just bring up things like that, and he couldn't say anything else to you." Clint turns, raising an eyebrow as he waits. "He told me that he wouldn't have brought it up if he had known it would hurt you." Clint scoffs. "Calm down, it wasn't for you. He said he knew hurting you would hurt me, and he wouldn't do that." 
        "And that got you to let him woo you into a relationship?" Clint asks, moving to make a pot of coffee. 
        "No." Clint sends me a confused look as he grabs two mugs. "He told me he loved me, and then planted the best kiss I've ever had on me." Clint stops, and I half expect him to drop the mugs. 
        "I... I thought you said that no kiss was going to top the one that you had with the Brazilian spy on that Rio mission." He says after a second. 
        "I thought so too. I was wrong." Clint lets out a long breath, watching the coffee fill the pot as he stays silent. 
        "Really? He topped the Brazilian?" I nod again, and he curses. "Still, I wouldn't expect you to just go after one kiss-"
        "I have feelings for him too, Clint." Clint silently fills the two mugs, placing one of them in front of me. "It's why I broke up with Steve. I had realized it and it wasn't fair to Steve." 
        "And you're positive it isn't the bond?" Clint asks, clearly trying to stay calm. 
        "I don't think our emotions influence each other." I explain with a nod. "Otherwise, I'd know what he's feeling that made him avoid me." Clint blinks slowly. 
        "I'm sorry, what? He pulled all of this to get you in a relationship, and now he's avoiding you?" Clint looks overly annoyed.
        "When Thor was called back to Asgard, Fandral gave Loki a letter from his mother." I reply. "He wouldn't tell me what was in the letter, but I didn't press. I know his relationship with his mother is special, so I let it go." I take a sip from my coffee. " But now he keeps slipping away and he won't talk. I don't know what to do." Clint shrugs.
        "I don't know why I'm helping him." He mutters. "If I help him, are you still going to make me talk to him?"
        "Alright, then I'll be going to see Nat." Clint stands, and I reach over and smack him on the back of the head. "What?"
        "Sit down and tell me what you were going to say." Clint retakes his seat.
        "Tell him what's wrong, and give him the opportunity to explain. Men can't read minds, and sometimes we do things that are normal to us, but we don't realize we did something wrong, and suddenly we're getting yelled at." Clint explains after letting out an annoyed huff. "So give him time to talk, and tell him what's wrong. He was brooding before, he might just be brooding now." I let out a long breath and nod,  fiddling with the handle of my coffee mug. 
        "Okay. Okay." I get to my feet.
        "We're still talking about your family."
        "You're still talking to Loki." I counter. 
        "Great. We both get to be miserable." 


        "Why are you brooding?" 
        "I'm not." Loki scoffs, and I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest. 
        "You've been avoiding everyone for the past two days, including me." I point out, annoyed. "You've been in your room, and you haven't come out for food, at least from what I've seen. What is going on?" Loki shakes his head, turning back to his book.
        "It's nothing."
        "Really? You wanna lie to me?" I ask, and Loki refocuses on me. I sigh. "I knew you were lying to me when you told me that the note from your mother was nothing, but I let it go. I didn't think something small would be a problem, but now you're doing this." 
        "I'm not-"
        "You're retreating into the reclusive shell you had when you first arrived." I cut him off. "To top it off, you say you love me, and now you're lying to me and shutting me out." Loki sits up a little straighter, the book in his hands falling into his lap. "Look, I understand not wanting to talk if we had fought, or if I had done something wrong, but I don't think I've done anything. Hell, I'd be okay if you just said you needed some space, but you're icing me out." Loki doesn't move, but he doesn't speak either. "Look, I'm going to the gym. If you want to tell me what's going on, just come find me, okay?" 
        "Ophelia..." Loki trails off, and I wait. His mouth slowly shuts, and I let out a long breath.
        "Like I said, find me when you want to talk."

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