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Frigga leads me through the expansive hallways, her making small talk and pointing out different areas of the palace. Places where Loki and Thor played or trained when they were younger. It was enlightening, finding out how close they had been.
        "My father doesn't know everything." Frigga and I overhear Thor and Jane's conversation as we approach them on the balcony.
        "Don't let them hear you say that." Frigga smiles as they both turn in surprise. Jane gives me a once over, her eyebrows raising in surprise.
        "Ophelia. I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress." I shrug at that.
        "It isn't my favorite thing to wear, but this is surprisingly comfortable." I smile. "And I don't look half bad."  Thor chuckles.
        "Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard. My mother." Jane drops Thor's hand and steps away, eyes wide and cheeks flushing. I suppress a laugh at her embarrassment.
        "Hi." She murmurs awkwardly. Frigga smiles.
        "So I see you got changed as well." I say, breaking the awkward silence that ensued. Jane smiles down at her new attire. "Do any women on Asgard wear pants? I'm curious."
        "Sif, occasionally." Thor chuckles.
        "It isn't normal here on Asgard." Frigga allows, glancing towards me. "Though I have a feeling you'll have something to say about that?" It comes out as a question, and when I meet her gaze, I see a mischievous twinkle in her eye. I shrug.
        "I know if we're here for more than a day or two, I will not be wearing dresses every day."
        "Darcy would be behind you with that if she were here." Jane smiles.
        "Well-" Thor is cut off by a loud alarm reverberating through the castle. We all look up before Frigga and Thor exchange a look.
        "The prison." Frigga says, eyes wide.
        "Go." Frigga responds. "I'll look after them."
        "Wait, what?" I ask. "Thor, I'm coming with you." I retrieve the two small cylinders from where I had hidden them in the folds of my dress.
        "No, stay with Jane. Please."
        "I'm not going to just-"
        "Ophelia, come with me." Frigga wraps my arm in a rock hard grip, pulling me with her and Jane before I have the chance to protest. We race through the place, guards passing us by to run to the dungeons. We turn down a large hall where Odin is commanding a group of guards. 
        "...Seal the dungeon."
        "Odin." Frigga catches his attention, but his words send a chill through me.
        "Frigga." He acknowledges. He looks at the commander he had been speaking to. "Go!" His word is sharp, and I hear the panic in the edge. I press the small buttons on my cylinders, the many blades popping out. Jane jerks slightly in surprise, and Odin glances at me. "It's a skirmish, nothing to fear." He says, turning back to Frigga.
        "You've never been a very good liar." She counters. My grip tightens on the handle, and I spin the sword in my right hand.
        "Take them to your chambers. I'll come for you when it's safe." Odin orders. A group of warriors march by, and the first woman warrior I've seen is  with them. She looks towards us, and when her eyes land on Jane, they're filled with hate. Her gaze slides to me, and her expression changes to one of curiosity. And then she's gone.
        Frigga and Odin exchange a few more words, but I'm on high alert, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. Jane shifts nervously, and Frigga breaks away, leading us down a different hallway. To my surprise, she snatches a sword away from one of the soldiers.
        "Listen to me now. I want you both to do everything I ask, no questions."
        "Yes ma'am." Jane replies instantly, but I stay silent, and Frigga notices. We move into her chambers, and she doesn't give orders right away.
        "Both of you, let me fight. I've trained for this." She says, voice strong. The look on her face dares me to challenge her. So I do.
        "I've got a better idea, actually."


        There are pounding footsteps outside the doors, and the faux Jane gravitates to my side. The pale figure strides into the room, and its eyes land on me. Frigga's words echo in my mind, telling me exactly what to say.
        "Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this." I say, her voice sounding odd coming from my mouth.
        "I have survived worse, woman." He replies.
        "Who are you?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.
        "I am Malekith, and I will have what is mind." He replies, moving forward. I glance behind me, knowing Jane is what he wants. Or rather, he wants what resides inside of Jane. Faux Jane scrambles back, fear on her face. I raise the sword Frigga had given me, lashing out. I hit him across his face, and he turns his attention back to me. He withdraws his sword, and our blades clash. As we fight, I realize quickly that he's much better at swordplay than I am. He drives me backwards, but I don't let it show. Not yet.
        I freeze when he uses a single move to disarm me, his sword coming to rest at my throat. Someone, something, comes up behind me and a blade presses into my back. Malekith turns to Jane.
        "You have something child, give it back." He hisses. He reaches towards Jane, but she dissolves. For half a second, Malekith stares at the space where the faux Jane had been. Then he whirls back to me. "Witch! Where is the Aether?"
        "Well..." I trail off, letting Mystique's power drain from my skin. His eyes widen. "See, I'm not going to tell you that." He opens his mouth to speak, but I disappear and reappear behind the creature that had been holding me at swordpoint. I blast the dark creature with ice, propelling him and Malekith back. A burst of lightening splits the room, hitting Malekith's face.
        Both Malekith and the creature run to the balcony, and Thor and I follow. Thor throws his hammer, launching both of them over the edge. A ship rises, signaling their getaway. Thor looks at me.
        "Where is-"
        "Thor!" Jane exclaims, running out. Frigga is behind her, frowning. Worried. Thor relaxes, taking Jane into his arms. Odin bursts into the room seconds later, going straight to Frigga. He cups her face in his hands, resting his forehead on hers. I look down at the sword in my hand, letting it drop. It clatters against the floor. My chest feels tight.
        I let myself hit the ground, my back against the railing.
        "Ophelia?" I look up, smiling weakly.
        "The plan worked." I say quietly. "I think I need a moment."
        "Ophelia, I think you're having a panic attack."
        "I'm fine." There's a few seconds of silence, and my breathing becomes easier. "I'm fine." Another moment passes, and I slowly climb to my feet, ignoring the eyes on me.
        "Yeah?" She's quiet.
        "Don't let whatever is in you hit me again." I turn towards her slightly, frowning. "I think it's draining me." Jane looks horrified, but Frigga takes a step forward.
        "I think it may be killing you." I lock eyes with her. "I think your powers are trying to accept what is inside her, and it's killing you."
        "Well..." I crack a small smile. "We really need to get it out of her then." I look at Thor. "Was Loki-"
        "Still in his cell. He was the only one the creature did not release." I purse my lips.
        "Well, I'm apparently dying, he's in prison, and Asgard can't protect itself. This a great vacation."

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