Chapter 5- One Person Audience One Hell of a Show

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and in case you were absentmindedly scrolling the last through chapters without reading them, or if you just forgot what happened, I went to see Satou Hiroshi of Rocking Peach BYS in concert, met him backstage, became friends with him, and now he goes to my school and even helped me avoid a meltdown. It feels like everything is happening so fast, perhaps I should slow it down, that is, if I can.

Tuesday morning rolled around, about as welcoming as stepping on a lego after stepping on a nail. You know, the transition from Monday to Tuesday. No one is exactly proud of said transition, but if you were asked if you'd rather step on a nail or a lego, it's presumable that you would pick the later. There was one thing that was going to make this transition worth it though, him. Sure, is it awkward to go to school every day and sit next to your crush? Absolutely. Not to mention that I already know everything about him from all the online stalking I did. Actually, forget I said that.

 One thing that going to school wasn't worth it for, work. Don't get me wrong, psychic powers make work a breeze. With thoughtography I can easily copy the notes from the board onto my notebook, and I don't have to put effort into class because the answers are flooding into my head all the time. The problems arise elsewhere. Like how I don't retain the knowledge I copy with thoughtography, and my notes are jumbled and disorganized. Not to mention the teacher gets suspicious with my handwriting and his being exactly the same, so I have to alter it a bit, which takes almost more work than if I took the notes myself.

Putting thoughtography and notes aside, I got out of bed, changing into my uniform. I always leave it on my chair near my desk the night before so that I can grab it and out it on in the morning, same as always. The only exceptions are Friday and Saturday, never put the uniform on the chair those two days. Instead it goes in the wash. Then on Sunday I can put it back on my chair. 

After putting on my uniform and a clean pair of white socks I've discretely turned inside-out so the seams don't bother me, I teleport downstairs for breakfast. To which I'm greeted by two things.

"Morning Kuu~" my mother calls, "Breakfast will be ready soon!" I already know from my telepathy that breakfast is toast, rice, and scrambled eggs which my mother lovingly put in my rice in the shape of a smiley face. My dad always gets a heart made of eggs. Speaking of my dad.

"Kusuo!" There's the other thing I'm greeted by, "Please help me! I overslept and now I'm late! Send me to work so I only get slapped twice by my boss!" Good grief.

"I'm not a taxi service," I said telepathically, "Take the train like everyone else and negotiate moving your work hours with your boss so I don't have to take you places."

"Kusuo please!" My dad begged, "Do it and I'll buy you coffee jelly on my way home from work!" My ears perked up at the mention of coffee jelly. How could anyone resist a deal so sweet! I was going to help him before I was saved by my mom.

"Oh dear, sorry honey," my mom piped up both cheerfully and sorrowfully, "Kusuo has school today so he can't. If it makes you feel better, I'll make you a yummy snack when you get home from work." At the sound of my mother's voice my dad's attitude suddenly changed.

"Oh it's okay sweetheart," he said, "Who cares if my stupid boss slaps me twice or ten times,it doesn't matter as long as I have you around." Isn't that kind of abusive? "I'll walk to work today, even if my boss slaps me in the face with this week's issue of 'Cognac' and yells at me for being a failure." Surely this must go against your contract somehow, "Well I'm off! Bye you two! I'll bring home a coffee jelly for both of you on my way back!" Now that's something worth a slap.

"Bye honey!" my mom lovingly called as my dad left. She sighed dreamily and turned back to me smiling, "Guess it's just us for breakfast, huh Kuu~" Usually dad would be gone before breakfast, but made a point to never miss dinner so he could be with me and mom. He's annoying, but I'm glad that he's a good dad. I sat at my usual spot. I had approximately 15 minutes before I had to walk to school. My mom put my breakfast down in front of me and sat down to eat.

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